Cleaners windshield Replaced very simple, but since you can replace the gums on the janitors with your own hands, then you can refuse to buy new brushes. If we consider that there is a lot of saille, small dirt and sand particles, to which in the winter is added in winter, the gums on the janitors are added and needed to be replaced in winter. The gum changes very simply. The main thing is to determine the type of brush design, which is installed on the car.
How to change the gum on the janitors - the design of wipers
Currently used wipers of 3 types:
- frameless;
- framework;
- hybrid.
Frameless wipers
They consist of a housing poured out of plastic with fused metal plates, between which the gum is installed. This type of janitor has a greater cost, they are not universal. Frameless wipers are manufactured for each car model individually.
Frame wipers
The greatest use was obtained on domestic and Soviet cars. All the details of the design until recently were made of metal, but now manufacturers are massively switching to plastic.
Frame wipers consist of:
- supports;
- rocker;
- hinges;
- adapter;
- gum;
- clamping plate.
Hybrid wipers
They use supports and rockers from frame brushes, and a plastic case - from frameless. Hybrid wipers are very expensive and at the same time the most durable.
Which wipers can change the gum
Replace the gum without damaging the operational characteristics of the wiper can only be on the frame design. To replace rubber components on hybrid and frameless janitars, you need a certain preparation and qualifications. Such a replacement is produced only in the absence of the possibility of acquiring a new set of janitors.
Procedure for replacing gum on janitor
Prepare pliers and a screwdriver with a wide blade.
- Remove the janitor with a leash. Carefully remove the screwdriver tape screwdriver. Flush to the minimum angle so that the gum will slip out of the janitor. Final bent make pliers. The fact is that the capture is wider, and the probability of damage to the clamps decreases.
- After feeding the tape from the clips of the support, remove the plate from it, holding the gum in the curved state. Remember how the bends of the plates are directed to not confuse them. If you install them on the contrary, the gum will not be pressed against the glass, and the wipers will have to be disassembled.
- In the plates there are samples in which the rubber tape grooves. This situation is possible when the groove thickness is greater than the sample width. In this case, take a thin outstimate and expand the sample.
- Insert the gum into the clamps. She must freely go by locks. Note, not allowed Strong backlash in the rocker, otherwise the new tape is quickly wear out.
How to protect the wiper blades from premature wear
- Do not leave the car in the locations of direct sunlight. If this can not be avoided, then raise brushes from the windshield.
- In winter, the brushes do not come to the glass, lift the leashes and do not lower them until the car is warm up. If the wipers have come true, then do not break them down with force - the glass must hide with them.
- Strongly contaminated glass with branches and leaves must be pre-cleaned and wipe with a rag so that the solids do not fall under the gum.
- Choosing the wipers, avoid dubious cheap fakes. Preference also give only verified or known manufacturers firms. Such products are characterized by good quality and made of reliable materials.
- Silicone rubber bands have proven well. They are distinguished by durability and elasticity.
When carrying out such repairs, keep in mind that the quality of windshield cleaning will depend on how you follow the work. If a new gum skips some areas of glass, then you can repeat the experiment with the replacement, but it is better to buy a new set of wipers. Please note the cost of several rubber tapes damaged by poor-quality replacement will block the cost of new janitors.