How to change the gum on the janitor

How to change the gum on the janitor

Present on the wiper gums are a kind of consumable material, which is wearing with time. Thus, there is a need to change these themes on new ones. Replace the rubber bands on the janitors is extremely simple, but there are several designs that you should pay attention to.


Types of janitor

  • Hybrid.
  • Frame.
  • Frameless.

As practice shows, it is possible to make the simplest and effective replacement of rubber bands on frame janitor. In the case of hybrid and frameless janitars, experts recommend contacting professionals that can replace qualitatively and not disturbing the performance characteristics of the mechanisms and components.


The process of replacing rubber bands on janitor

To properly replace the rubber bands on the janitors, first of all you need to use a screwdriver with a thin and wide blade, and pliers will also be useful.

  • It is necessary to remove the wipers from the leash, using a screwdriver, you need to bend the clamps located at the edges of the clamping plate. This process should occur carefully, as it is only so possible to achieve a light yield of elastic band from the janitor. The final bending of the clamps is worth producing pliers. This is due to the fact that this tool has a wide capture, which provides a low probability of damage to the clamps.
  • After removing the tape from the clips, you need to get the plates that ensure the hold of the shape of the gum.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that there are samples in plastics, in which the rubber tape grooves are included. There are situations where the sample width is less than the thickness of the groove, so they should be armed with the supfil and expand the sample.

As for the new gum for the janitors, it should freely pass the locksters, but without strong backlash in the rocker, thanks to which the wear of the new ribbon will occur very quickly.

Experts focus on the fact that it is often somewhat replacement of gum can be more expensive than buying new janitors, so if there is no confidence as rubber tapes, you need to either seek help in replacing specialists, or purchase a complete set of products. Also should not give preference to the cheapest rubber bands.

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