How to use hydroelectrics

How to use hydroelectrics

The hydroelectric system is easy to use and a reliable tool that is used to perform horizontal marking during repair and construction. Do not hurry to buy an expensive laser device for apartment repairs! The accuracy of the water level is high and it will help you make smooth floors and ceilings. And to use it easy and simple, but find an assistant to work.

Preparation for the use of hydraulic

Prepare for work:

  • bucket, watering can and water container (bucket or bank);
  • hydroelectory;
  • acute pencil and marker;
  • special inhabited thread;
  • funnel;
  • manganese or water dye - at will.

Rinse the device with soap, pollution will negatively affect the accuracy of its indicators.

How to use the hydraulic system - fill the water hose

Take advantage of filling the hydraulic tube with water with one of the proposed methods:

  • the first method. We will use the water level hose, the chances should not be. Type clean water to the selected container, it is better to take boiled. You can cut the liquid by a manganese or dye to better see the water height. Put the container with water on the elevation. The best height is 2 meters. Put one end of the device in container with water, and the second end put in an empty pelvis installed on the floor. Start through the hose to skip water until it is cleaned with a single stream. After filling the tube, clamp the end of the hydroelectric background, located in the pelvis and the second end clamp and remove from the bucket. Connect two end of the hose. Look, the water in them should be at the same level;
  • the method of the second. End of the device with a flask lower down to the ground. Insert the funnel in the hole of the other end of the hose. Start pouring water to the device evenly water. Then secure the flasks, and close the cranes on them.

You can pour water into the device directly from the crane. But air bubbles can get into the hose, and this is undesirable.

How to use hydrorevaria - apply markup

Find assistants. Getting to work:

  • On the wall with a pencil, make marking - this is the height of the ceiling.
  • Connect the ends of the hydroelectric hose and raise them to the mark.
  • Make a marker on the instrument the height of water.
  • Keep motionless one end of the device on the wall with a mark.
  • The assistant passes with the second part of the hose with the flask to the next wall point and raises the flask up. See that the hose does not go. Water must reach the marker made by the marker, the device should be installed motionless slightly so that the level in the tube is well aligned.
  • Continue to keep your end of the hose and look if you need to omit or raise the hose to your assistant and how much that the fluid in the flask reached the mark.
  • If everything is fine - the assistant makes a pencil note on its side of the wall. If you need to take the next mark - transfer one water level hose to the last point, and the second helper carries to the place of the new markup and work according to the scheme described above.
  • Tension a special painted thread between designated marking. Fix it between them, pull the slightly and lower it. A smooth color line will be released on the wall.

You received orientation for mounting a tension or suspended ceiling frame. By a similar principle, lay a horizontal line for installing the floor or to install the lag.

How to use hydroelectory - what to take into account

Please note useful tips:

  • Pour boiled water or resistant, there are fewer air bubbles in it.
  • After working, drain the liquid, otherwise the sediment will appear on the hose wall.
  • Before work, check the accuracy of the water level. After connecting the ends of the tube, the water level in the flasks should be the same. If it is different, then the tube was bent and in its cavity there are air or the tool is damaged.
  • If you work in the cold - take non-freezing liquid for cars instead of water.

Using the hydraulic level will help you simplify the process of repair or construction. Keep the device in a bright sunlight place, and it will last you for a very long time.

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