How to use Far Manager

How to use Far Manager

Those who are first faced with "Far Manager", look at a blue screen with a multitude of files. But in fact, this is a very convenient utility that will allow working with the material located on the inner and external media. How to use the program, which opportunities it possesses - this article will tell about everything.

Why do you need to install "headlight manager"?

If when working on a computer, you need to use the file manager, then it is the "Far Manager" will become the most utility that can cope with all the tasks. Its distinctive feature - all load when working with files falls on the keyboard. This is especially convenient for those who are used to perform actions with its help.

The program is installed quickly. "Head Manager" has all tools to work with files to be productive. Because of such an abundance, the function program is very popular, even though other utilities with a more modern interface have already appeared.

How to enjoy "headlight manager": basic recommendations

First you need to run the program and get acquainted with its interface. A feature of the utility is that its interface is English. This will be a problem for those who do not own the language. The situation can be corrected if you select the language shift parameters. To do this, clamp F9, after which a horizontal panel will appear on the screen. It should choose "Options" - "Languages" - "Russian".

Now you can start exploring the program in more detail.

How to choose discs (drives)

Usually, work with files begins with their search on disks or drives. The latter can also be selected using a couple of clicks on the keyboard: if the disk is located on the left side of the screen, press Alt + F1, and if in the right - Alt + F2.

Immediately you can select a network drive or an external drive if the desired files are located on it.

What can be done with files?

A distinctive feature of "headlight manager" is that the working window is divided into 2 parts. This allows you to quickly copy or move files.

If you want to copy (Move, cut) File:

  • in the left side of the screen find the desired file;
  • go to the right side and open the folder where copying will be performed;
  • select the desired file using the "INSERT" key;
  • press F5 if you have to copy, or F6 if you are transferring or cutting;
  • click "Enter".

The F8 key will help delete a folder or file. To do this, select the desired document and click on the button.

If there are a lot of files on the computer and you need to quickly find the necessary, then "headlight manager" and then will allow you to quickly make a conceived. Alt + F7 should be clamped, enter the file name (you can specify additional search parameters) and confirm the action.

Such combinations will also be useful:

File sorting

The program allows you to conveniently sort files by choosing a set of parameters for gradation. The algorithm of actions in this case will be like this:

  • go to the desired folder;
  • press and hold Ctrl;
  • select sorting parameters.

"Headlight manager" and archives

The utility includes functions and to work with files in archives. To call the appropriate menu, you must clamp shift. The menu will appear on the screen in which you want to select a suitable function.

The basic functions listed above will allow fully working with files and folders in the Far Manager program. The utility itself is available and easy to understand, has a wide functionality. This allows it to keep it high positions in the rating of the most popular programs for working with files.

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