How to get a personal WebMoney Certificate

How to get a personal WebMoney Certificate

For those people who regularly use electronic payment systems, is uniquely important is the absence of all kinds of restrictions related to the possible amounts of transfers, limits in the volume of the wallet, etc. Today, on the territory of the CIS, the most popular electronic payment system is Webmoney, for the full use of which is required to get a personal certificate of the user.

According to the WebMoney service administration, a personal certificate in this system is the main, so for those who regularly receive payments, the transition to a new stage of using electronic payment systems is relevant.


Pros of obtaining a personal WebMoney Certificate

The advantages that the user receives with a personal certificate:

  • first of all, it is an opportunity to store up to 9 million rubles on its electronic wallet, an unlimited amount of dollars, up to 3.6 million hryvnia, up to 60 thousand euros;
  • you can participate in the work of the credit exchange;
  • the possibility of obtaining a personal bank card from the payment service;
  • you can participate in the Personal Program of the Certification Center for the extradition of primary certificates.

Of course, the main advantage of a personal certificate is monetary limits, since it is often some kind of business requires major turnover of funds.


How to Get a personal WebMoney Certificate - Instructions

  • Receiving a personal WebMoney Certificate occurs quite specific. The essence of this process is directly in contact with one or another attestator. Most often in every major city you can find several people who hold certification. Their level in this payment system is high enough to control the issuance of a responsible certificate.
  • List of certificates are available for this reference. After selecting a specific attestator, you can contact him. All items are specified in private messages. It is important to note the fact that a personal meeting must necessarily occur. If the attestator is available in the list of the official service site, then this means that he has an office.
  • An important point of receipt of a personal certificate is the cost of this very certificate. Judging by the information relevant for March 2017, the cost of the certificate remains within 10 to 15 WMZ. For an ordinary user, this is not the smallest amount, therefore, only those users who actively use the payment system are interested in obtaining the certificate.
  • Directly at a personal meeting at the expense of the certificate, money should already be translated, after which it is necessary to provide the official representative of the system and a copy of the passport.
  • You can even get a personal certificate that the user who has not yet turned 18 years old, but for this you need to receive a certificate certificate with my parents.
  • There are situations where the meeting between the athetator and the user is impossible for various reasons. With this situation, you need to contact the notary to assure your signature on the official statement. After that, the application and a copy of the passport (which is not needed) are sent by mail to the registrar. If the procedure is performed without disorders, the certificate will be obtained.
  • If for some reason the reception of the certificate is possible, the attestator must return the money to the user within a few days after submitting the application. It should be understood that the certificators are sufficiently limited in their capabilities, so in case of violations, you can contact the WebMoney administration to quickly settle the situation and, if necessary, return your money back.

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