How to pull the steering rack?

How to pull the steering rack?

The steering mechanism is quite complicated by its structure, but its main part is the rail, because it serves to transmit a turning force on the wheels, while turning the steering wheel in any of the parties. Despite the fact that modern machines are equipped with hydraulic poles so that the steering rotation is simplified, the rail is still an integral part of the steering mechanism.

Sometimes it happens that the steering rail ceases to perform its functions for all 100%, which is why malfunctions can occur in the control of the car and, moreover, the occurrence of unnecessary sounds during the rotation of the steering wheel. In order not to spend a lot of time and money to call the tow truck or wizard for repair, you need to be able to easily raise the steering rack.

Causes and signs of malfunction

If, when breakdown, some parts in the car, it can not be noted, then if there are problems with the steering rack, the driver will immediately understand this:

  • when the steering wheel turns, the knock is heard in the rail
  • the car's wheels are rotated in the mode, different from the usual, that is, PI rotation of the steering wheel, the wheels turn to a lesser extent, the same, on the contrary, in the greater
  • carrying the machine becomes harder
  • the steering wheel in the central position is without any effort
  • only when heating the hydraulic agent to 50 degrees to rotate the steering wheel is required to apply the force

The signs under consideration can manifest themselves both individually and all together, but in any case, the driver will not be able to not pay attention to it.

It is worth noting that most often, a failure in the work of the rail does not occur because of its failure, but simply because of her rash, it is for this reason that every driver must be able to tighten the steering rack.

The need to pull up ray

To accurately decide whether to perform tightening the car element under consideration, you need to understand a little and understand the design of the rail and all the elements with which it is connected:

  • To accurately decide whether to perform tightening the car element under consideration, you need to understand a little and understand the design of the rail and all the elements with which it is connected:
  • The steering wheel is a regulator of the vehicle wheels due to the gear that makes this process possible, and it can be as spoiled or by ososophy. There is a detail on the bearing, and at the same time, the gear grille interacts with the gear.
  • Clamping springs are the main connecting part between the gear and the gear rail (this compound is carried out without a gap).
  • In the case of improper clutch between the details under consideration, the driver will have to use enough power to rotate the steering wheel. If it happened, then you need to loosen a little fastening, and do not forget to smear the steering rail again.
  • The rake fastening will lead to the occurrence of the knock while turning the steering wheel. In this case, you must tighten the rack and the problem is solved at the same moment.

The main causes of such faults are most often depreciated the elements of the car.

Tighten the steering rack yourself

Immediately, I would like to note that pulling the steering rack can not always remove the knock in it or the backlash, but 80% of 100 is a way out of the current situation. If the first attempt of the driver tighten the rack turned out to be successful, but after a short period of time, the breakdown again made itself felt, it is still necessary to ask for help from professionals in the service center, because the second time, such a "focus" simply does not ride.

The tightening is the first ambulance with the backlash, which occurs as a result of damage to the bushings from plastic or their deformation. Because of the material from which these bushings are made, the driver will be made for the first time to get rid of the excess space formed, but the next time pulling the rail can lead to the "scattering" of the sleeves.

In order to independently pull the rack, you need:

  1. Since work will need to be done directly under the car, it is best to drive the car to the "pit"
  2. Find a nut, which is an adjusting connection, the fact is that it does not have a certain location, since this criterion depends on the car model in which the rack suspension was required. It is also worth noting that in some modern vehicles there is no such nut, because manufacturers believe that when the backlock occurs, the car must be conducted in the service center on the tow truck.
  3. After the driver succeeds in finding the desired nut, you need to seekly or by samples and errors, choose the key for it. After completing this stage, go directly to pulling the rail.
  4. In the process of pulling it, it is very important not to rearrange, as in any other case, because excessive zeal during pull-up will cause the need for additional efforts to make the steering wheel rotation.
  5. To produce the process in question correctly, in the hands of the wizard there should be a luftomer who need to measure the testimony after each slightest delay, and in accordance with the testimony, or to delay the bolt, or to disappear.

Tightening, as it should, the steering rack, the driver must be ready for the fact that he is already very soon he will have to give a car for full repair.


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