How to distinguish rotavirus from poisoning

How to distinguish rotavirus from poisoning

According to statistics due to a rotavirus infection and diarrhea caused due to it, a large number of children around the world die each year. If children suffered more than all of the disease, then adults are increasingly sick.
It is important to understand the differences in ordinary poisoning and rotavirus infection, because they have different symptoms and treatment methods. If the disease is incorrectly treated, then this may cause complications.

After all, rotavirus gastroenteritis can lead to dehydration organismthat manifests itself in slept eyes, dry  mucous  shells And appearing folds. During the day you can lose weight.

Highly often  infection B.intestine accept per food poisoning. it Explained by similar symptoms. So, with diseases is observed pain v stomach, Nausea I. vomiting reflex, Diarrhea. But also exists  signsallowing them to distinguish and choose a suitable treatment.

How to distinguish rotavirus from poisoning - cause of diseases

Rotavirus carrier can be not only sick, but and healthy person. This virus With a huge speed applies v gastrointestinalintestinal tract and excreted from the body with calom.

In some cases, the disease maybe proceed almost asymptomaticly, so sick maybe and not know, what is an The carrier of this virus. The only thing maybe easy reduced appetitis as well  middle diarrhea.
Choose You can bacteria that got along with food into the human body. This may happen because of the lack of hygiene hands, inadequate storage Products. Basically, the source of infection is food, that  not Processed thermal method.

Determine, Rotavirus is or poisoning WHO can on The following features.

How to distinguish rotavirus from poisoning - body temperature

The first thing to do is measure the temperature. At rotavirus temperature can rise Within a few days to 39-40 °, with food poisoning, it can also be, but lasts a maximum of one day. The infection is accompanied by pronounced intoxication and fever for 4 days.

How to distinguish rotavirus from poisoning - seasonality of the disease

Basically, Rotavirus is a seasonal disease that is transmitted by air drip. The peak of the disease comes for the period of September-March, as well as summer. The most vulnerable age in children is 6-12 months. This is due to the cessation of feeding the mother's milk, as a result of which there is a decrease in the immunity of the body. Conventional poisoning can occur due to use dirty and spoiled productsHowever, it not transfer. Infected with food bacteria maybe Make not only a child, but also an adult.

How to distinguish rotavirus from poisoning - others

Intestinal infectionthis is disease with viral character. It includes signs poisoning and ARVI.
At rotavirus infections in addition to sharp vomiting, increased  temperature, diarrhea added pain v head, sneezing, cough, hurts throat. That's why sign diseases are red throat and dreams eyes, conjunctivitis. Nothing similar at violation activities stomach not it happens.

How to distinguish rotavirus from poisoning - with tul

First day diseases protect with frequent stool, on next day he becomes gino-shaped with grayyellow tint. Colour urine darkness and sometimes maybe to be with blood, a her smell looks like on ammonia. At poisoning such signs no. Diarrhea lasts one or two day, then gradually normalizes.
Remember that in the case of poisoning pain in the abdomen subsides after vomiting. If it is a rotavirus, then the patient periodically experiences pain regardless of the vomit reflex.

How to distinguish rotavirus from poisoning - x arakter diseases

Rotavirusthis is disease, that sequence amazing all who contact with patients. V children's age can get infected v garden, v school –  from neighbor on parte. Broadcast infections implemented across airdrip way, also source infections maybe  to be dishes, linen, toys. That's why at more close contact, for example, v family, to avoid infections will hard. V basic such virus danger for children, which have weed immunity, with chronic diseases. Food departure maybe at used products, which infected bacteria. It not dangerous for others of people.

Difference Rotavirus from poisoning v incubation period

Poisoning accompanied by Nausea I. vomot, which preceded bloating and discomfort in stomach. At virus observed incontinence gas, which have unpleasant putrefactive smell.

Symptoms and character because rotavirus and ordinary poisoning have how the same, so and various signs. Treat their necessary on principle recovery in onesalt exchange. For of this necessary many drink small portions, but often. Also good assistant is an NS niterosgel, WITH mecca at compliance diet.
Front thread how proceed to treatment necessary reveal view diseases. AND this is maybe do only doctor.

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