How to whiten nails at home

How to whiten nails at home

When a girl does not suit her color of her nails, a curious question appears on how to do so to change the situation. And various advice come to the rescue, offers to do homemade cosmetology. Options are always enough. But it is worth knowing, it will be necessary to work without damaging the nail plate, because it is very important to improve the appearance of female hands, and not worsen. Nail must preserve elasticity, natural shine and hardness. You can read about the most common and efficient ways in this article. The main rule before the start - to remove the varnish!

How to whiten nails at home soap

Remove the yellowness from the nails, the usual baby soap is used. Before proceeding, a deep container with warm water should be prepared. A piece of children's soap is a few minutes (2-5) risks in this water. Remove dark spots from under the nails like this: you need to rush nails on a piece of soap so that it goes as deep as much as possible. After dipping your fingers into the water and leave them there for 3 minutes. At the end of time, with the help of a wooden toothpick, remove the remains of the soap and rinse them from the soap solution under running water. Protect the skin and nails from drying a moisturizing hand cream.

How to whiten nails at home lemon juice

It will take fresh lemon juice (2 tbsp) and the food soda (1/2. l.). Mixing two ingredients, the abrasive bash is obtained. It is applied to the yellowed nail and rub the soft toothbrush or cotton cloth. In the absence of soda, only lemon juice are used, which also struggles with spots. Starting time one finger 1 min. One hand comes out for 5 minutes. And soon you can expect a good result! Repeating the process every other day, the fingers will come back at the end of the week.

How to whiten nails at home sea salt

The sea product greatly strengthens and cleans the nails. In a container with warm water, flood 2 tbsp. Sea salts and pour 5 drops of essential oil, for example, lemon, orange. Hands to lower in a liquid for 10 minutes. Next, flush your fingers with a cotton towel and moisturize with cream based on olive, sea buckthorn healing oil.

How to whiten nails at home olive oil

A natural way to perfectly cope with the task. 2 tbsp are mixed in a plate. Olive oil, 1 tsp. Soda Food, 1 tsp. Kitchen salt. Toothbrush evenly apply to the nail plates and leave for 10 minutes. At the end, wash your fingers with water with soap and rub the nutrient hand cream with scarlet extract.

How to whiten nails at home toothpaste

Completed and fast option, requires alternation with chamomile baths and softening means. You will need an ordinary bleaching toothpaste with high fluorine, toothbrush and warm water. The brush is applied by a paste size with a skirt and clean each nail. Having finished, the hands are washed with water, dried by a towel and moisturized with cream. Toothpaste is made on the basis of natural components and should not harm the surface of the nails. The response time does not exceed 10 minutes, because abrasive particles can scratch the surface.

How to whiten nails at home - Baths with chamomile

Chamomile - the pharmaceutical plant is actively used in medicine. In boiling water under the lid insistant 1 tbsp. Chamomile flowers. When the temperature decreases to 37 ° C, the hands are lowered in the infusion of 20 minutes. The procedure is repeated 3 times a week with parallel use of bleaching cream, to apply it after the bath.

How to whiten nails at home by vinegar

It is important not to forget to dilute vinegar before use! And do not use this option for sowing and cuts. Apple vinegar 1 tsp. Pour in 350 g of warm water. Finger's tips are plunge on 4 minutes. When burning, the procedure stops, as it may be on the skin there are microcracks that cause pain. Wash hands with soap and lubricate with a chamomile cream.

As can be seen, methods for bleaching enough and all combinations are quite simple and easy to use. Composites that are offered will not make much harm to nails if you control the interaction time. Nails brighten after smoking, careless care, homework, paint drawing. At home, without applying to beauty salons, it is very easy to engage in your manicure and get a great result at the exit.

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