How to determine the type of skin face

How to determine the type of skin face

All fair sex representatives are ready to spend huge money and strength to obtain perfect and smooth skin skin. When buying another cream, each of us hopes for a miracle. In the case of dry and peeling skin, we dream to get an elastic and soft, and fat and scored pores - smooth and dry. But most often the miracle does not happen. And cosmetics in this not to blame. The main reason for such a phenomenon is incorrect care Behind the skin of the face. Of course, there are girls and women with perfect skin that got them from birth, but there are very few such. Basically, to achieve good results you need to constantly care for the skin. First you need to correctly determine the type of skin, because each of them implies a certain care and action plan. Next, consider how to determine the type of skin. This step is very important to achieve perfect skin. You can identify skin type visually, for this you need to know the signs that correspond to each type.

How to determine the skin type of face - oily skin

It is easiest to determine the fatty skin. It is characterized by such features:

  • dense and rude in appearance;
  • extended pores;
  • intense the work of the sebaceous glands, as a result of which the shine is formed;
  • a large number of black dots and acne due to pore blocking.

This type involves the presence of problems at a young age, but small mimic wrinkles appear later than all other types.

How to determine the skin type of face - dry skin type

This type is characterized by signs opposite to oily:

  • thin and delicate skin;
  • practically inconspicuous pores;
  • reduced work of sweat glands, so leather matte;
  • time from time to time appears dryness and depths, peeling.

V Young aged skin has an ideal look, but by 25 years older wrinkles appear, and this leads to premature aging.

How to determine the skin type of face - normal skin type

This kind of rather rare phenomenon:

  • matte skin with an ideal density level;
  • small, almost inconspicuous pores in the center of the face;
  • the average work of the sebaceous glands, sometimes you can see the shine in some zones - it is forehead, nose and chin;
  • the skin does not respond to stimuli, to change the seasons or phase of menstruation.

This skin, in the case of normal care, always looks good, and it is gradually aging.

How to determine the skin type of face - mixed skin type

This type is considered the most common:

  • leather with fatty sections in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose, forehead and chin;
  • extended pores in the area T zone, in the other places they barely noticeable;
  • increased Work of iron   v T-zone;
  • time Screws, black dots appear on time  especially in the period before critical days.

Some problems may occur at a young age with the skin, but after 25 years it has a great look.

Having studied all the signs of different types of skin, you can proceed to self-definition of the skin.
But if you have does not matter There were difficulties with the definition of skin type, then there are several methods.

How to determine the type of skin of the face with a magnifying glass

In order to visually identify the skin type, you need to go to the mirror and with a magnifying glass to study the surface of the face. If you see acne, extended pores or peeling, then this is a bold skin type. We need to use a magnifying glass with sufficient lighting. Pay special attention to the zone T, because it is the most problematic.

How to determine the type of skin of the face with a napkin

You can test the face with a thin sheet of paper or napkins. Before that, it is impossible to moisten the skin throughout two-three hours. It is better to carry out a test after morning washout by any means. To do this, you need to lie on the bed, attach a napkin to the face and press it a bit. Remove it in 10 minutes and explore the result.

Explicit traces indicate oily areas of the skin. Of course, the napkin will not become an oily, as it may seem at first glance, but wet spots indicate the intensive work of the secretion of the skin.

If the napkin is dry, then this indicates an overly dry skin that needs good moisture.
At the owner of a mixed skin type, the napkin includes both dry and intense stains.

How to determine the skin type of face - the method of cosmetologists

Experienced specialists in specialized clinics visually determine the type of skin. But in the event of difficulties, they are conducted more detail with dermatoscope.

Cosmetologists classify the skin not only on the above mentioned features. Still allocate:

  • Mature skin. This species is characterized by folds, wrinkles, edema under the eyes.
  • Problemy. Signs of this view - irritation, acne, acne.
  • Cooperose. With visible capillary pattern, as well as a red or bluish tinge of the skin.
  • Sensitive, reacting to different stimuli.

Before using the cosmetic tool, you need to correctly identify the skin type. If you have any doubts, please contact a cosmetology clinic. And still learn to stick to a healthy lifestyle, because it is the key to your well-being and a magnificent appearance.

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