How to determine the authenticity of the bill?

How to determine the authenticity of the bill?

A large number of fake bills makes the population thoroughly analyze money in hand. Go to the bank for free check - the output is rational, but not always convenient. Therefore, it will be useful to find out how to distinguish fake bills from the present on their own.

Several tips immediately before checking

There is no common rule, which money can be fake: large bills or smaller. Selling something for cash, you should always check the authenticity of money. It does not take much time if you immediately know where to watch.

Such caution can save from a serious problem: not only the loss of finance, but also problems with the law, because the spread of false money is punishable by the state.

Especially the attention should be paid to thousandth and five thousandth bills, because fraudsters love the scheme for the expulsion of money when they give a large fake bill, and the recent money receives real money.

Also, not to lose vigilance is needed in small non-network stores. Usually all major supermarkets are equipped with a special device that will help check banknotes. Little shops do not use such a device, because the risk of getting fake surrender increases significantly.

Fraudsters rarely fake money with a par value of 50, 100 rubles. It is not profitable, but it is impossible to be completely sure that the fake petty bills will fall.

How to check on the authenticity of the bill without special devices?

It is possible to determine the genuine bill, you can, if you check it on the lumen, feel it or change the angle of view.

Several tips how to check the banknote:

  1. Find a watermark. To do this, you need to draw bills to the light. Also on the fields of banknotes should be visible watermarks. They can be slightly lighter and slightly darker, and the transitions must necessarily be smooth.
  2. Determine the protective thread - such that "dives" into banknotes into paper and in some places "identifies" in the form of a dotted line.
  3. Relieve a relief print. It will help those who have bad or there is no vision. Printing is a convex section of their three strips and two points. Also, the inscription "Ticket Bank of Russia" can also be contacted in this way.
  4. Reselect microtext. To do this, you will need to take a magnifying glass. In the upper and lower part of the bills you can see small text, not visible to the naked look.
  5. Change the angle of inclination, and check whether the paint varies color. She must overflow a little. Also on the ribbon ornament commemorate the signs "RR" and rainbow stripes.

If there are doubts, then an effective way to find a fake is to compare banknotes among themselves.

Also, for determining fake money, the authentication detector is used with an infrared lamp. It is worth such a device a lot, but it will allow you to quickly identify the fake. This is advantageous to large shopping points and other facilities with high cash permeability.

Mobile application for authentication of banknotes

Not so long ago, a convenient mobile application appeared, which will allow you to identify fake money. It is enough to install it on the phone and make a simple manipulation:

  • Cut the camera on the front of the banknote and compose the frame on the screen with the edges of the bill.
  • If everything was done correctly, the green and vibration mark will appear.
  • You need to repeat manipulation again from another angle. Then the final verdict will appear.
  • A prerequisite for a successful procedure - the room should be light, but without direct sunlight.

What if a fake bouncing is detected?

If suddenly in the hands turned out to be fake bills, then such rules should be followed:

  • Do not take money until they are in the wallet, the person can not be called responsibility;
  • If such a banknote is already in the wallet, then it cannot be paid. It is necessary to contact the law enforcement agencies and explain where it was obtained;
  • Suspicious money can also be attributed to the bank to eliminate doubts or, on the contrary, make sure that the bill is fake.

If the bank cannot determine authenticity on its own, then send money to the Bank of Russia. Examination will be free. If the bill is real, then the money is returned to its owner. If not, the process to identify fraudsters will be launched. And the owner of the problem banknote will be able to help in this.

Statistics show that fake money in circulation is becoming less and less. But still the population should know how to reveal the fake bill and what to do with it next. It will save from financial estate and long explanations with law enforcement agencies.








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