According to changes in the legislation of Russia, since the beginning of 2016, the traffic police fines can be paid half. Discount is provided in order to increase consciousness from drivers-offenders. Let us then consider the details of the conditions, exceptions and timing of administrative penalties from road users (vehicle drivers).
How to pay the traffic police alend with a 50% discount
Since the beginning of 2016, all persons in the name of which is discharged to violate the traffic rules recorded by the camera or inspector, will receive notifications with the full amount of the fine. At the very bottom of the receipt, it is indicated about the possibility of making a fine half with the payment condition for up to 20 days. The countdown begins with the date when the protocol was drawn up. With the full text of the law "On Amendments to the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses ..." You can familiarize yourself by downloading it here. The offender has the right to pay the fine halfway to midnight for 20 days, and after this period will have to pay fine in full.
Important! Often, notifications about the offense are delayed for various reasons, and therefore it is recommended to check the availability of fines from time to time. official website of the StateSautorospection (If you expect a letter).
If for some reason you did not have time to pay for payment within 20 calendar days from the date of the protocol, the amount of the fine will remain the same (full).
It is advisable not to tighten with payment to the latter, since very often payments do not pass on time, and you will again stay in the debtors.
Important! If you do not pay a fine for 60 days from the date of the protocol, the amount of the fine is doubled.
How to pay a traffic police at a discount - in what cases does not work discount?
The 50% discount rule is not valid for all offenses. The list of exceptions to which the half payment rule does not apply to the traffic police fines:
- Intentional refusal to medical examination.
- All disorders that are somehow related to the use of narcotic or alcoholic products.
- Managing vehicles without decorated accompanying documents (re-violation).
- Excess speed is reused.
- Movement on the oncoming lane, re-violation.
- Travel to a red traffic light signal (re-).
- When driving a vehicle - causing harm to medium and easy severity.
When the same violation was performed again for one year after the protocol is prepared first, the discount is not provided. For example: exceeding the speed for the first time, you can pay a fine with a 50% discount. With raising speed re-for one year (365 days), the discount is not provided, and the next time the fine will have to be fully paid. The unfolded table of disorders with marks about the relevance of the discount, as well as the amounts of the fines you can download from us.
How to pay a traffic police at a discount - payment methods
Pay a penalty for violation of the rules of the road in the receipt (a check on payment is preserved), or through the official site State Service (Unified Portal).
You can use the second payment method directly when checking your personal data for registered violations.
Important! After payment, be sure to check the receipt of payment in the traffic police, as very often the payment comes later than your protocol turns into hands to the bailiffs for recovery. It is recommended to maintain certificates of payment to the permission of the problem.
To see if there are registered violations for your vehicle, go to link here And enter your car data, then press the "Request Check" key. The information on the site is constantly updated, so you can trust the results.
At this time, any person has the right to 50% discount to pay a fine, if this punishment is not re-and not included in the list of exceptions. The most important thing is to pay a fine on time and trace the transfer of your funds to the address.