How to characterize a person?

How to characterize a person?

Usually, giving an assessment to a person, we do not think about the wording and in one word we invest everything we think about it. Good, bad, harmful, irresponsible. And we usually do not share its intellectual potential, features of character, external data, elbow all inserting into one phrase. However, this is not always enough and in some cases it requires more extensive knowledge about him and a wide vocabulary to describe it from all possible parties.

In what cases is the characteristic of a person?

  • When moving from one educational institution to another, whether it is a school, suss or university.
  • Most often, the characteristic is required by young people and girls who have completed school and intend to enter the secondary or higher educational institution.
  • Also, the characteristic is often requested by recruiting agencies in which a person appeals in search of work. They need a characteristic in order to have a complete picture of the positive and negative qualities of the applicant and offer him exactly the position on which it will be organic.
  • The characteristic is required during the passage of the interview directly in the organization, in which a person intends to get a job. It usually interviews the applicant himself the employer himself and based on the characteristic may be some kind of opinion about it, to understand in advance, this person comes to this position or not to spend nor his time.
  • When calling for an urgent service in the Armed Forces.
  • If a person happened to get into trouble with the law and the characteristic is needed in law enforcement agencies.

In fact, the characteristic may be required in a completely any organization and with a variety of circumstances. Therefore, every person must have at least an approximate idea that in this very characteristic must be, and what is undesirable there.

Characteristic rules

  1. Since the characteristics write often and much, it is natural that a standard template has been developed for a long time, in which you can paint all the features of a person, both positive and negative. And any sure of it was faced with this: "During his studies, Alexander Alexander Alexandrovich has established himself exclusively on the positive side, took part, showed activity, took responsibility, punctual. Mandatory, initiative ... "and so on, and the like. So, the modern world develops so quickly that such characteristics-cliché are no longer interested in employers or those who request them. They need true to have objective data about a person. Therefore, it is necessary to write in the characteristics extremely truthful information.
  2. Of course, not all people are exclusively positive citizens. There are those who do not say anything good. But you need to write a characteristic. And if you cut in it a frank truth-uterus in an open form, then you need to keep in mind that the fate and future of man may depend on this characteristic. That is, the words need to pick up very carefully, but also do not lie. Probably, you need to give a visual example. So, a person is a disobedic lazy, who has no idea of \u200b\u200bthe meaning of such words as punctuality and responsibility. In the characteristic, these of its quality can be slightly driving and write that Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich has a huge and inexhaustible potential, which has not yet been able to reveal to the end.
  3. Describing a person as an employee, or a student, in the first place should be a description of his business qualities, skills and skills. It is unlikely that someone has difficulty. Usually in this part of the characteristics are given objective information: as worked and studied, which is able to do, and what else needs to learn whether there are awards, promotion, praise in a professional plan.
  4. As for the personal and individual characteristics of a person, it may sometimes be difficult to stay and not start to paint, what a wonderful person, this Ivan Ivanovich. But, nevertheless, you need to keep yourself in your hands and describe exclusively those personal qualities of the person who are needed for work, study and relationships in the team.
  5. In the business characteristic, the corresponding style is welcomed. The text characteristic must be presented in essence, briefly and dry. In the household characteristic, emotional color is allowed.
  6. What swings the social sphere surrounding man, then in the case of children, his family behavior in the class team and with teachers is described. In the characteristic for adults, it is indicated how well the relationship with colleagues for work.
  7. In conclusion, the assumption is usually indicated as far as the person is ready to change in their lives, the change of the team, work, place of study, whether it should be done what to do to help him. If the characteristic is required to the relevant authorities, it is usually here, in this paragraph, nothing is indicated, except for the presence of bad habits and the impositions and the like.

In general, make a characteristic on a person - the matter is not difficult, the main thing is to remember that the style of the document should be exclusively business, and the information provided in it - truthful.





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