Each year, ninth-graders of the whole of Russia pass the main state exam in 4 subjects. Two of which - mathematics and Russian language - mandatory. The rest are two - to choose from. According to the results of the inspection, schoolchildren in college or school will be able to do. Also these results affect points in the certificate. But what criteria is to exist and transfer points to a single five ballroom system? In this we will figure it out further.
Ogue in mathematics
The exam in mathematics is divided into parts: geometry, algebra and real mathematics (tasks). A certain number of points is assigned to each section:
- Algebra - 20 points.
- Geometry - 12 points.
- Mathematics - 10 points.
In sum, the maximum number reaches 32 points. The minimum number of 8 points, but when taking into account that the sections "Algebra" and "Geometry" are completed.
OGE in Russian
The final certification consists of 3 parts:
- presentation (based on listened audio recording is written presentation)
- tests based on text (questions on the specified text)
- essay based on text (3 topics to choose from)
The maximum number of points in the amount will be 39 points. Minimum - 15 points.
Rating translation scales:
- "2" - 0-15 points.
- "3" - 16-25 points.
- "4" - 26-33 points
- "5" - 34-39 points
OGE in chemistry
This exam exists in 2 options and each has its own estimation system.
The first part will be with the experiment. The highest score will be 40. The second part without experiment and its maximum score is 34. The minimum score in both options will be 9.
Evaluation criteria:
- "2" - 0-8 points.
- "3" - 9-17 points.
- "4" - 18-26 points
- "5" - 27-34 points
OGE on biology
The exam on this subject is also divided into 2 parts: test and written. The subject is profile, so when entering a class with this profile, is focused on the score not lower than 33.
OGE in physics
The maximum possible score 40. The minimum 10, it is easy to dial if you pass the test part. The second part consists of solving tasks and to get a high score need to solve them all.

Ogue in geography
When evaluating this subject, they are focused on knowledge of geographical maps. The minimum threshold is 12 points, maximum 32 points. When entering a profile class, you need to dial 24 points.
Evaluation criteria:
- "2" - 0-11 points.
- "3" - 12-19 points.
- "4" - 20-26 points
- "5" - 27-32 points
OGE on computer science
The computer science exam consists of 2 parts: tests and processing of information.
The minimum number of scored points is 5, the maximum 22. But if you chose this profile, the exam must be delivered to 15 points.
Possible points:
- "2" - 0-4 points.
- "3" - 12-19 points.
- "4" - 20-26 points
- "5" - 27-32 points
To pass the OGE and receiving a certificate for grade 9, you must pass on the minimum number of points two mandatory exams and 2 options. The selection exams depend on the further plans of the schoolchildren and are chosen in accordance with them.