As indicated by the speed

As indicated by the speed

speed concept is widely used in science: mathematics, physics, mechanics. Students are beginning to get acquainted with him in the third grade. In more detail it happens in 7-8 classes. In the conventional sense of speed - this is the value that describes how fast the subject is moving in space per unit time. Depending on the application, the speed denoted by different symbols.

As indicated by the speed in mathematics

The textbooks in mathematics customary to use lowercase uppercase letters v. Speed \u200b\u200bis interconnected with and passed by the time at which it is passed.

In uniform motion the value v \u003d S / t, where:

  • S - the distance traveled body
  • t - time traffic.

As indicated by the speed in physics

The branch of physics, called the mechanics, as we study the rate. Symbol rate depends on the magnitude of this vector or usual. In the first case above the letter v put an arrow pointing to the right →. If there is no need to consider the direction that is usually used by v.

Speed \u200b\u200bunit

In the international system of units made to operate meter per second (m / s). At the same time, the generally accepted units are kilometers per hour (km / h), the node (nautical mile per hour).

As indicated by the speed of light and sound

Scientists have proved that the velocity of light is an absolute value, which can move information and energy. This rate constant and equal to 299 792 458 ± 1,2 m / s. Its symbol chosen from the Latin letter.

The speed of sound depends on the density and elastic medium in which sound waves propagate. It is measured in Mahah. For example, supersonic velocity is in the range from Mach 1.2 to 5. And above all that is called hypersonic speeds.

It is obvious that the symbol, which indicates the speed depends on the mathematical or physical sense, which is filled with this concept.

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