As soon as Christianity adopted in Russia, the children began to be called in honor of the Christian saints. Now there are also parents following the traditions of ancestors. Not everyone is used to give children the names of the kinodiv and stars from different areas. Names for the church calendar returned to Russian society after so many years of oblivion. The Soviet long period of Atheism was drowned by this tradition. Therefore, it is important to start using it again.
How to call a child in the church calendar
There is a book of Slanders (or Persons). It recorded the names of the saints by date. Even unbelievers can take advantage of the data in it. After all, the fate of the child often depends on the choice of behalf. Names are given by months. The name of the sacnesses guarantees happiness and good luck in life. Solves the child from the evil and the influence of demons.
In total, about a thousand names are represented in the saints. Everyone has their own meaning. Describes name history. There are names that are no longer used (for example, Kurdueva or Mnasen). The names of Greek and Slavic origin. As well as Latin names. You can find out what month the name is on the site. Here everyone will see a complete list of all sorts of names.
How to choose the right name for a child in the church calendar
If the birthday corresponds to the name of the saint, better and call children. The first February correspond to the Holy Gregory, Louise, Heinrich, Arseny, Mark, Mark, Makar, Euphrasia, Feodosia, Savva, Fyodor, Januria. February of February - Daniel, Ignatius and Ivan.
If there are no male names for the boy for the boy or does not like the name itself, parents look a couple of days ahead. So advise church priests. It may happen that the child is called the name of the saint, who is honored 8 days after the date of birth. This is also allowed. Like an increase in the difference more than 8 days.
The name given in baptism, can not be changed. This orthodox rule.
It is advisable not to give the name of the saint martyr. It may happen that a person expects a life full of difficulties and hardships.
How to choose a male and a female name on the church calendar
If a girl was born on the day of the saint with a man's name, it is allowed to call his female counterpart. Born on the day of St. Eugene can be Eugene. Alexander - Alexander. Etc.
Secular and ecclesiastical names
Parents sometimes give a child two names. After the birth, you can make a mistake in the right decision. Call any worldly liked the name. And when the child came to baptize, suddenly this error is detected. And the name of the church is quite different. Baptism can be performed only with the name of the church calendar. Therefore, the priest is obliged to choose the most suitable to the worldly religious name.
It happens that some saints celebrated a few days a year. Angel Children's Day is celebrated on the day of veneration of the saint, which is closer to the day of birth.
Parents after the birth of the child must always remember the main thing: how to call it. To do this, look at the site of the Orthodox Church. Or go direct to the priest of the church, located close to the family home. Only the Holy Father must be very wise and knowledgeable tradition. On behalf may depend a lot in life. Therefore, it is necessary to choose it wisely. Saint, after whom it is named the child becomes a guardian angel and protects against all ills.