I can not believe that you can learn to play harmony even without knowing notes? It turns out that, with a big desire, you can do everything, even learn how to play harmonica literally for half an hour.
How to learn how to play harmonic
Even if you do not know the notes, it is not difficult to remember them, because notes are always on hearing. With a school bench, each child remembers a simple combination: up to-mi, Fa-Sol-La-Si, and the last note - before. That's all knowledge, simple and easy.
Rule first: To learn to play on the harmonica, we learn the izubok notes. We feed them first in order, then in the reverse order. You need to sing as much as you like, the main thing is that you remember all the notes. And I won't be suspecting, we managed to learn the gamma.
Moving further: Get acquainted with the harmony device, we study the location of the keys and other mechanisms.
What will help to learn to play faster:
- In order not to confuse notes, you can quickly learn this: Mark the working keys, and those that are not needed for simple melodies, you can take it. Or vice versa, highlight the desired keys with stickers. It is just recommended to allocate the main notes: this is a note "Fa" and a note "salt". They divide the harmony keyboard into 2 parts. It turns out that there will be 5 buttons in the lower row, and in the upper one. This is 4 sectors.
- Take the hands of the harmony, sit comfortably so that nothing bothered. If growth does not allow, put a small stand under your feet or a bench for balance.
- Now each sector needs to put all 5 fingers. It turns out that your fingers are on notes, through one.
- Counting from the "Fa" and "salt" note, press the keys. We listen to the sound, remember the location of the fingers.
- We worked, go to the next: we work out the sectors from 1 to 4, having fingers on each. To secure this part of the lesson, a special table is useful on which columns and strings are indicated, as well as the number and notation of notes. How notes are written - it is better to learn right away so that there is no confusion: "To - WITH, Re - D., Mi - E., F - F., Salt - G.La - F.Si - H." If focusing, in a couple of minutes it is easy to learn all the notes.
- To fasten the learned material, you can argue with markers of different colors, draw a tonal mill, designate notes. In order not to be confused, the new marvel is better to draw light markers, the lines must be thin.
- The following 5 lines are another, more bright shade. Total: 11 Line-skinned Method, the base is 5 lines + a treble key.
- On the upper line you need to put 2 sheet music: "Fa" and "salt", remember their location, to then work out notes and consolidate this skill on harmony.
- It remains to apply and work out the knowledge gained, learn to perceive notes on a music sheet and find them with your fingers on the harmony. When everything falls without pauses, we can say that you have practically learned to play.
- Next - everything is simple, take notes with a simple piece for beginner - try to play.
How to learn to play on the harmonica - Tips beginner harmonist
Little to learn to read on notes, it is important to work out these skills constantly:
- learning to play the harmony is needed every day, allocate at least 15 minutes for lessons. It is best to play 10 minutes in the morning and as much in the evening;
- do not hurry, master the music alphabet gradually;
- the first task should be worked thoroughly: to learn the range "D Major", you can not play notes, but by ear. Be sure to train on the gammah;
- performing a melody, the fur does not need to pull the jerks, lead it smoothly. Until the end of fur does not stretch, it is superfluous;
- fingers must be involved all - put them on the keyboard, even if it is difficult to play with all your fingers, you need to get used to the new movements gradually;
- if you master this musical instrument without helper, then listen to audio recordings, video tutorials, write down your game to look at yourself from the side and mark mistakes.