For successful study at school, the child needs to be able to read. With quick reading, the material is better absorbed, which is specified in the textbooks. It is quite difficult to learn to read, because this process covers the simultaneous work of auditory analyzers, memory and imagination. Ideal when the read speed and speech speed are about the same. In order to teach the child of all ages to quickly read the following effective exercises.
Work on the passage
The meaning of this exercise is that if the child should read thirty words to the child, then it is necessary to add 30 more. Thus, it is necessary to work 60 words. A piece of text need to read 3 times. The first time he will do it slowly and not quite confidently, but every time he must overcome the passage in 1 minute. Daily training will allow you to read the text for the required time.
"Wave" method
If your child reads 50 words per minute, then the next exercise will suit him. First you need to provide text to read in the usual position, then turn it over the child perpendicularly, then 180 degrees and in general turn upside down. You need to start a few sentences, gradually increasing the amount. Reading text upside down allows you to define a real speed.
Study of syllables, sounds and words
If a child reads at least 30 and a maximum of 60 words, then with this exercise you can learn how to read not in syllables, but according to the words, and also better recognize syllables and letters. When reading the tables, you need to move by columns. It must be done for half a minute and fix the results for visual results. Once at the beginning it is necessary to read 1 table, gradually increasing the number up to three. For one breath you need to read the floor of the column to generate intonation. Create tables can be independently according to the method of S. G. Zotov.
Read and retells need daily. You can help reading texts, and the child must retell them. You need to start with several proposals, capture their meaning. Then proceed to large volumes. Retelling should not be from a third party. It is necessary to tell about the main sense, participants and logically finish.
Reasoning on the topic
Exercise is recommended for the third class. The child comes a certain thought, the question is asked, and he must begin the reasoning on this topic. The task of the parents is that the proposed suggestions by the child must be logical and consistent, have a common bundle, and the number of proposals is at least 12. The child is given a certain time for thinking. Such an exercise prepare children to pass the exam in the future orally.
To get a good result you need to train every day above methods. Thanks to special exercises, memory, attention and logic is developing. It is also necessary to engage in small motility.
With poor well-being or fatigue, you need to give up training. In this case, no result will succeed, because the child's strength will be aimed at recovery.
In the presence of Free-time parents need to practice the child twice a day. The first time you need to work out, but the second to fix the material. With a one-time training on the day, the consolidation was postponed the next day. Time for morning exercises - half an hour, for evening - 15 minutes.
You can learn to quickly read in different ways and today there are a huge amount. Therefore, it is better to listen to the child and choose the exercises that he likes. In this situation, you will soon see the result.