Wiesel - a real assistant for every motorist. After all, with his help, it is possible to prove your truth, to fix the offenses of police officers, as well as provide the video procurement of the participants in the accident and reveal his culprit. The video feature is supported by each video library, regardless of the price and manufacturer. In the article, we will consider the standard registrar settings that are in each device.
Language settings
The very first and important setting should be setting up a language. Often "default" is configured English (very rare Chinese) language. To understand how to handle the registrar, you need to select Russian, for this you need:
- 1 Stage - Connect the computer mouse to the DVR (it comes in a set with the device if there are no mouses, then use the buttons on the registrar itself);
- Stage 2 - Turn on the registrar and right-click anywhere in the screen, you called the context menu, select the "General" item.
- 3 Stage - At this point, you must find "Language" and from the "Slap" list to select "Russian".
If you purchased the recorder in the store, the "Formatting" function of the memory card will be done during purchase, but if the device was purchased on the site, then it must be done on your own. Most often, after the first inclusion, the video player itself offers "formatted", for this it is necessary to press the virtual or touch key (depends on the generation of the device) "OK" and wait until the process is completed. If there was no such proposal, then follow the simple rules:
- 1 stage - go to the settings (at the top of the screen will appear the image of two gears);
- 2 Stage - Find the "Formatting" item (you need to control either a computer mouse, or buttons on the "Up" or "down" recorder);
- 3 Stage - Click on "Formatting" and select "Yes" (the formatting process must begin immediately).
Setting date and time
The correct date and time on the DVR is a very important point that will help solve any controversial issue. It will not quite understand when the incident occurred during the daytime, and 11 o'clock in the evening will be indicated on the device. This also applies to the exact date. Customize the clock will be very easy:
- 1 stage - call the settings menu (as well as described above) and find the item "Set of Time" (Sometimes it is written "Date and Time");
- 2 stages - set the time zone;
- 3 Stage - set the date format and the date itself;
- 4 Stage - in the "Time Format" Select "24-hour".
Setting up and shooting
The accuracy of information will depend on the quality of the record, for example, to consider the car number of the offender, etc.
- 1 stage - in the general settings to find the "Resolution" item (control the buttons on the visorgistator, most often they are on the top panel or side of the device);
- Stage 2 - choose the highest resolution that offers your device and click "OK";
- 3 Stage - In the same menu of general settings, find the "Record Cycle" item and set the time interval that you will fit;
- 4 stage - go to the point "Motion Sensor" and click "On";
- 5 Stage - If you want the registrar to write a voice (most often it is necessary at the time of the proceedings with the police or offense of the road), then in the settings, find the Microphone function and click "On".
Setting the sensor hitting
Each Wiewell has a shock sensor function. For example, when colliding or getting a car into a deep hole, this video will be recorded and saved in a separate folder. To do this, go to the General Settings section:
- 1 step - find "Setting the Sensor Sensor" or "G-Sensor Setup" item;
- Stage 2 - set the sensitivity of the sensor (depends on the quality of the roads you are planning to drive).
We looked at the general rules for the settings of the sepistor, the remaining functions depend on the manufacturer of the device. Be sure to read the instructions before setting up.