How to set up a six-stronger guitar

How to set up a six-stronger guitar

Of course, setting up the six-string guitar is different from the twelve-time, seven-time and others, therefore, it is always necessary to start playing on this classic set of strings, as well as with Spanish system, which is considered the main one. Initially, you will not be able to set up all the strings only on your hearing, since this ability still needs to be developed. In this article you will learn how to help yourself portable tuners, online programs and tuning.

How to set up a six-string guitar: we use tuner

This is the very first way, as it is created for beginners, or experienced musicians who want to set up the tool extremely accurately. Let's see in stages that you have to do.

You pulled new strings on the guitar, now take your tuner in your hands. If you have an electrocoupletic guitar, then use the cord and directly connect the tool to the tune. If not, simply put it closer to the guitar socket so that the sound is louder.

Do not clamp the strings on any Lada, the entire setting takes place on the so-called "open" strings. Check the frequency on your tuner 440Hz, now remove the sound of the bottom, the thinnest string. On the window of the tuner should be placed notes, with the designation of E. At this stage, it is important for you to know how the whole system will look like:

  • The first thin string is indicated by E.
  • The second string, which is a little thicker - SI or V.
  • The third string may have a winding on itself, and maybe the same as the first and second - salt or G.
  • The fourth string necessarily has a winding and is already calculated to bass - re, d;
  • Fifth string, with the designation A.
  • Sixth string or E.

And let you not scare that in a strict two most extreme strings, because they are from different octave.

If the slider on the screen goes to the sign B, that is, a bemol, then you need a little weaken the string, twisting the slices. In the case when the slider strives in the other side - Diese #, then, on the contrary, stretch.

So, slowly and does not waste anywhere, you set up your guitar. However, in the first stages you have to spend not a little time.

How to set up a guitar on online typses

If your tuner you have no, then the problem is easy to solve online programs that perform its function. Absolutely, you do not configure the guitar for them, however, the system will be quite acceptable to play. For example, go to the site scroll down the page down until you see such a window:

How to set up a six-stronger guitar for the sounds of notes

When you start to understand how the notes differ from each other, remember their sound, then you can move to a more complex way. This setting is also in tuners, and in online programs. Even in the sound editing utilities you will find these notes.

For example, go to the site And look at this window. It is here that you can extract the sounds of the right strings that click on the playback icon. Listen carefully and try to adjust the strings one to one.

How to set up a six-string guitar: Tam

After mastering the second stage, you can safely customize the guitar completely on your ear. The charton will become an important acquisition. This device extracts only one note - la.

Take the charton in your hands and slowly knock on a finger on it or any other subject, you can simply lightly knock for the teeth of the chamberon on the guitar deck. Now you need to pinch the fifth way on the first thin string, it is here that the note is "la", which the ringing chalkton retrieves. While this sound lasts, quietly pull the string and stretch or relax the flakes in parallel to achieve an absolutely identical sound. Repeat as many times as you need, while the sound of the chamberton and clamping strings will not be quite the same, merging into one more loud outlet sound "la". Since your first string is now configured, then by such an algorithm you can easily set up all the others:

  • The first rebuilt string repeats the note that is located on the fifth Lada the second bottom of the string.
  • The third string always sounds in the "singers" unison with the second, if it is closed on the fourth Lada.
  • The fourth string is re, it is necessary to hold it well on the fifth rud, remove the clean sound without a cod and verify with the third "open".
  • The fifth, as well as the sixth string, hold down strictly on the fifth Lada and configure the flashes on the "open" previous one.

When you develop your hearing and technique to automatism, it will take just a few minutes.

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