How to draw a cat in cells

How to draw a cat in cells

Lovers embroider know that the main thing is not the ability in this matter. After all, learning this craft will not be difficult. It is more difficult to find an idea for the future drawing, because it will be dependent on it, how quickly you want to complete the case and admire the work done. Therefore, in this article we will touch on the drawings of the most pretty and popular inhabitants of our planet - cats. We will try on the usual sheet to create a scheme for the future cat. The most important thing is to decide what exactly you want to see it can be a fluffy cat or a small red kitten. The variety of these representatives is a large set and allows our fantasy to roast.

To draw a cat in a cell, we will need:

  • notebook in a cell;
  • flomaster of black and pink / yellow.

We begin from the bottom of the leaf. Horizontally draw 12 cells. Then the painter three rows up on each side on one cell. From the last cell diagonally draw up a vertically 9 cells. As a result, we get a cat face. But it is only a framework.

We will proceed to drawing the ears of our cat. From the last cage, we draw up the diaphrion of 2 cells on each side. Now we draw three rows down we draw 1 cage. We have a skeleton of the ears, we connect them up with each other by the line.

We denote the lines part of the ears that inside will need to paint with pink color.

It remains to draw eyes and nose. We retreat two cells from the cat's ears and draw a horizontal line in 3 cells, then with each in the direction draw the lines of 1 cell. Again, two vertical lines on both sides of 2 cells and inward our eye line 1 cell. Then the vertical lines down on 1 cell and connect them between themselves. We got the eye, but the cat is two of them. Therefore, we retreat 2 cells and draw a mirror-second eye. We draw pupils to the cat, in the upper part of the eye, paint the desired number of cells at your discretion. Between the eyes, departing down 1-2 cells and draw horizontally two cells - this is a cat's nose.

Slide the area of \u200b\u200bthe face and pupils in black, not the touch of the eye, ears and nose. Take the pink felt-tipper and make your ears and nose. And our cat is ready!

It is not difficult to draw through the cells, the main thing is to understand what exactly you want to see ultimately. A lot of pictures can be found on the Internet and try to convert them to your taste, adding parts, change colors. Over time, such a fascinating hobby will bring even more pleasure when you yourself can create without the help of drawings. Start now, and the world of paints and forms will absorb you!

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