How to draw pigeons

How to draw pigeons

The pigeon since ancient times is considered a symbol of peace, happiness, purity. Mounts a bird near the housing of a person, knowing that there are always food near people. Many city inhabitants, especially the children, are very fond of feeding the bucks, scattering crumbs, seeds, millet near the house or in the square, where the gullible sisaries are being treated. Today we will draw pigeons, it's simple, so invite children to an open lesson.

How to draw a pencil pigeon?

A gray dove was tamed in Egypt for approximately five thousand years to our era. The wise Egyptians used a bird as a pigeon-postman, which served as a rapid spread of the population on Earth.


  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Sword


  • Decide where the head is the bird, and spend the complete and half of the arc connecting on the left. We place the triangles of the beak, withdrawing its central line a bit to the right. Display round eyes with playing glad on black pupil.

  • From head down, take two smooth lines that determine the body and a sharp tail. In the middle part of the body, spend parallel lines converging above the tail feathers - wing.

  • From the abdomen, spend the segments that burn the book, the ends of which diverge and form legs with your fingers. Stroke aimed down, draw sharp claws on each finger.

  • Separate the wavy feature neck from the body. Cover wings Slide with a solid hatching with arcuate divorces, and the steering is horizontal.

  • Strip the head with light gray, neck and wings - dark, abdomen and paws - leave light. Or color the bird with color pencils, making painting, like a live dove.

How to draw a dove of the world?

The pigeon of the world has a white plumage, and in the beak holds a green twig. As a rule, such a bird is depicted on festive postcards, posters or transparencies to the Victory Day.

It will take:

  • Late paper
  • Simple and colored pencils
  • Marker
  • Eraser


  • Sketch two circles: one small - the head of the bird, the second large - torso and connect them with smooth lines. Make a sharp beak, and draw the tail in the type of revealed veser.

  • Raise the splashed wings from the back and output the drawn plumage extended ovals.

  • Picture eyes, bent paws and erase extra lines. Near the beak, write down the arcuate line-skeleton with several sheets and circle a dark pattern circuit.

  • Make a green twig, pigeon - light blue with beige splashes, pictures background - dark blue.

How to draw a pigeon from a cartoon?

Cartoon birds are similar to the real, just look funnier.

How to do:

  • Spend a curved line on a sheet, similar to the letters "S" and connect its tips. You got the silhouette of the glisten.

  • The resulting detail cross the crescent, scanning the wings.

  • Draw wings and tail, wrapping the cast edges with semi-windows. Pass the felt-tip pen on the contour of the bird and remove the backbone.

  • Picture expressive eyes and miniature foots with curls. Dechanit, making the chest and shoes with blue, eyes - blue, and fingers are brown.

How to draw a pigeon with the help of palms?

Excellent option for a greeting card for grandparents by May 9 or Dad on February 23.


  • Listed album
  • Paints watercolor honey
  • Tassel, pencil

Getting to work:

  1. Circlave the child's palm sheet, where the pigeon will be.
  2. On the tip of the thumb draw the heads of the birds. Put a fat point-eye point on it and take a triangle of the nose. The remaining four spreading fingers will be wings.
  3. Make the background - ascending the sun and running on the sky. Crispy clouds.
  4. Color the picture, write a greeting, put the autograph in the corner and the gift is ready.
  5. If the child is quite small, spread it with paint palm, attach to the leaf - and the outline of the pigeon is made. Next - let me dry and draw as a fantasy tell me.

As you can see, it is easy to portray a pigeon, you just need to attach a little effort and follow the recommendations given.

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