How to draw angel?

How to draw angel?

On the eve of Christmas, Christ is accepted not only to prepare and stove different goodies, but also to make stuffed with children to decorate the house. The most interesting example of crafts is a picture of the guardian angel. You can draw an angel in different ways, we will analyze the most unearned of them.

How to draw an angel with a pencil?

Before going for work, tell the children that the angels are the Messengers of God who help us in difficult everyday situations. It is impossible to see these accurate creatures, but people suggest that they fly to the ground in the image of a person with wings beyond.


  • Simple pencil
  • Feltolsters
  • Paper
  • Eraser


  • In the middle of the sheet, you will depict an oval (face), on the sides of which you bring small brackets - ears. Put the eyes of the eyes, a semicircular nose dash and stretch in a good smile of lips. Draw long cilia, eyebrow arcs, make a hairstyle and neckline.

  • From the neck on the shoulder deposits, swipe two features and connect them between yourself at the bottom of the wavy line. Add free sleeves and dress to silhouette.

  • Up above the shoulders raise the pool wings, and erect the nymph over the head. Light strokes Select the folds of the vestments, test the handles from under the sleeves, similar to children's mittens. Color the drawing and define it on a prominent place in the nursery or living room.

How to draw an angel - a complicated variation

A figurine praying angel is a good inlay for a postcard or gift.

  • I designate a children's profile on paper, explaining the child that while he has few years old, his angel is also small. Cross the rays from the projection of the head and from the point of their crossing, draw: the bird-eye, the eyebrow and the hair curls framing the face.

  • Next the figure leaning the angel's prayer. Turn the handles folded together, barefoot, robes folds. Behind the imperceptible lines depict two wings.

  • Give the wings a reliability, spending stitches-feathers. Next - cut out, glue on the cardboard basis and use the destination.

How to draw angel - guide for kids

Take: coin, simple and red pencils.


  • Attach the money at the top of the sheet and circle it with a pencil - it turns out the face of the character. Put the eye dots on it and the crescent of the mouth. Top of the head output flat cake - halo.

  • Put the dress on the figure, lowering the two divergent lines connected in the bottom of the arc.

  • Cross thin lines of pens on the chest. From under the hem, clothes dopecting the penetrating legs - two segments with circles on the edges.

  • On both sides above the shoulders, raise your wings like the petals of the flower exposed.

  • Spread your face and legs with a pale pink color, and leave the clothes - leaving white.

So, draw an angel to even small children. The main thing, help the guys to adhere to the correct proportion, carefully reproduce small details, and the Christmas souvenir will be released.

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