Having come across pharmacies, you can see a huge amount of drugs to combat digestive problems. If you get rid of toxic waste, it fails naturally, then people resort to help drugs. You can establish an intestine job by changing your lifestyle.
Methods of dealing with stagnation
The constipation causes spasms, pain and discomfort. Insufficient emptying leads to the formation of the hernia of the abdominal cavity, its omitting and, as a result, the deposit of the rectum. In addition, the risk of developing hemorrhoids increases. The consequences of the impaired intestinal motility causes iron deficiency and fatigue, worsens the condition of the skin. For this reason, it is very important to establish a chair. But before choosing a method of treatment, you need to find out the reason for the constipation:
- Popps occur due to abdominal operations, which formed scars and spikes after themselves.
- After the inflammatory and infectious disease of the intestine (for example, ulcerative colitis).
- Oncological disease.
To find out the present reason, you need to turn to a gastroenterologist and a coloproktologist, pass an ultrasound and colonoscopy.
Drink a lot
To provide a normal digestion and a permanent chair you need to drink a glass of water before meals. In addition, the body should not feel the lack of water throughout the day. It is important to calculate the necessary daily rate: 1 kg need 30 ml of water. It follows from this that all the well-known norm in 2 liters of water suits people who weigh 70 kg.
Stick to a diet
- The fiber helps fight constipation. This element is present in vegetables and fruits, bread products from coarse grinding.
- Cabbage, beets, tomatoes, apples, prunes also favorably affect the chair.
- Equal milk products, vegetable and butter.
- Should refuse from such products as rice, white bread, sweets, black coffee, blueberries, because they have astringent properties, delaying bowel movements.
Prevention of constipation lies in the right mode of day and nutrition at a certain time. This will allow you to develop the ability to empty the schedule.
Play sports and relax
Sport classes strengthen the heart, but besides that, they help to establish the intestinal work. Active movements cope with stagnant in the intestine.
- Favorable exposure to walk, swimming, squats.
- Each morning should begin with such a gymnastic exercise: straight up, raise your hands over your head and slowly sit down.
- It will also help the morning self-making, after which water should be served. The exercise is as follows: the right hand for three minutes to massage the left paha area.
Popps are a consequence of stress transferred by man. Therefore, the relaxation of the body will help bring the intestine to normal. For this you need to take aromatic, herbal baths. The same action has honey.
Change lifestyle
You can fight constipation without uncontrolled methods of laxatives - this is a change of habits. It is possible to normalize the intestinal functions using such tips:
- Before eating in the morning drinking a glass of mineral water. Due to this, the digestion process is started.
- Breakfast should consist of a porridge. Barneed, buckwheat and oatmeal with vegetable oil to use raw vegetables and dried fruits.
- Soups, cereals and kefir with bran. Such a combination is a source of plant fibers, and also helps to deal with the cause of constipation. Bran can remove cholesterol from the body. But when colitis and gastritis, they are contraindicated.
- Fresh vegetables. There are many fiber in their composition that improves intestinal motorcycle. As a refueling, it is recommended to use olive oil. Such a combination of products is excellent prevention.
- Baked fruits. They have a beneficial effect on the intestines.
- Eliminate overeating. It is necessary to eat 5 or 6 times in a little bit.
- Eliminate fatty, salty and sharp products.
- Do not use hot and cold food, because the enzymes work hard at such a temperature.
- Carefully chew food.
- Do not record food with water. It dilutes digestive juices facilitating the digestion process.
- Increase physical activity.
Folk recipes
- Seeds of dill and flax to connect with the crust of the crash in the same proportion. Pour a glass of boiling water a spoonful collection and put on a water bath. For 2 weeks, take several spoons before bedtime.
- On the liter of heated milk, take a spoonful of kefir, stir the ingredients and remove into the dark place. A day later, the mixture is ready. Use every 2 hours. A capeter with vegetable oil has a relaxing effect.
- Before eating, drink a spoonful of linseed oil, after drinking it with water. Linen can be replaced with pumpkin oil. Before sleeping, drinking yogurt with honey and butter.
If the above methods have not led to any results, you should contact medical devices. The most secure them are made by their vegetable components - Senade, castor oil, bisacodyl. Before you buy a pharmacy drug, you need to consult with your doctor. After all, the cause of the problem may be much more serious than it may seem at first glance.
The intestinal work affects the functioning of the entire body, and, consequently, the appearance, mood and condition of the skin! If the constipation is rarely happening, then this is normal. But if this problem is constant, it is dangerous for the body.
I recently helped to cope with such a delicate problem. Fitetocil norms + of course, began to drink more water and move more. I think it is all this in the aggregate gave a good result, the chair completely normalized and with constipation no longer suffer, although before it was quite frequent phenomenon
Thank you very much for the article, all the necessary information here! Also, at one time, terribly suffered from constipation, it seemed to the doctor. My lifestyle disassembled him, it turned out that he was in the root wrong: I move little, I eat ababy how. I began to work on all this, plus the doctor advised phytolax in tablets, drank it too. A month later, everything was normal! That's what competent work on your problems means!
I also had to reconsider my lifestyle, and most importantly I drink a little water with my weight more than two liters. Beginning with squats in the morning, a small jogging and a feedback course of phytolax tablets. Now I will deal with overweight, and it does not work out such a number of water, but return to the problems of CO (I do not want a chair.