How to find a specific weight?

How to find a specific weight?

The specific weight is a physical value that shows a part of something in the basic mass. This indicator is applied in many scientific sectors. Consider how to find a specific weight in different directions of use of this concept.

How to find a specific weight in physics?

Such science as physics is a specific weight as the weight of a substance in any unit of volume. The indicator is measured in Newton per square meter (H / m3). The formula for calculating the specific gravity in physics has this kind:

  • Specific weight \u003d R / V

where, P is the weight of the measured substance, and V is its volume.
In cases where it is necessary to calculate the proportion, but there are no values \u200b\u200bof total weight and volume, then this formula is used:

  • Specific Weight \u003d P * G

where, G is a constant value of the acceleration of free fall, which is 9.8 m / s2, p is the density of the substance.
Usually the last formula in physics is used by calculating the specific weight of the metals, and the indicator in H / m3 is also measured.

How to find a specific weight in medicine?

Medicine has such a concept as a proportion. Often it is used in diagnostics and comparison of analyzes. The proportion of distilled water is taken as the basis, the temperature of which is 4 C. equals the proportion of such water - 1,000. By comparing a mass of some volume with a reference water indicator, isolated how many impurities and which concentration is contained in the extent study. Most often, this technique is used in the study of urine tests.

Also widely used method for calculating the specific gravity and in retention of blood, using a solution of copper sulfate for the standard.

How to find a specific weight in the economy?

For such science as an economy, the proportion, this is a global indicator, knowing which can be planned to develop business, enterprises, investments, etc. The proportion of the percentage is calculated and shows the content of a certain part as a whole. It is actively used both in financial calculations and in economic activity. The formula for calculating the indicator is quite simple and has the following form:

  • Specific weight \u003d (part / general integer) * 100%

When calculating the economic specific weight, you need to take into account two rules for calculation:

  1. according to this formula, all indicators are calculated, regardless of the weight of personnel or the share of costs in the profits structure;
  2. the total amount of phenomena is always considered as 100%, no more and less.

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