How to find suffix

How to find suffix

Without a doubt, most people are familiar with the concept of suffix and can even give him a definition - suffix is \u200b\u200bpart of the word that stands after the root and before completion and serves to form new words, carries a grammatical and semantic load. But can everyone be able to find a suffix in the word? And how difficult it is to make a person who since the time of school bench a little subsided, how to find a suffix, taking into account that they can be somewhat in one word.

The stages of the search of suffix in the word disassembly

First, it is necessary to look at the word carefully, to mentally analyze, and then it starts to search for the necessary morpheme, in this particular case - suffix.

It is important to remember that the search for a suffix must be postponed at the very last moment. Its detection usually becomes possible after the selected word is fully subjected to morphem analysis (divided into the appropriate parts, these parts are allocated properly)

  • First of all, you need to take the search for endings in the Word. The end is the part of the word, which in any case can be subjected to changes, that is, the word changes the form, number or case, and, together with these transformations, the end is changed. As an example is perfect for the word "hefty". How to change it:
  • Hefty, hefty, hefty, hefty - that is, a variable part in the "hefty".
  • Now it is time to look for the basis of the word. It is possible to include all the word entirely, eliminating the end. In this case, this is hefensome-.
  • Introduced the root line. The search for the root is accompanied by searching for single-handed words: health, healthy, healthy, healthy. The total part of all single words - well. This is the desired root.
  • There is only one part that has not been applied in previous actions - this is a name. This, in fact, is what we were looking for - suffix, stand out by the "^" icon.

Double suffixes

Sometimes in words there are several suffixes. How to detect it, and not allocate one suffix instead of two. Example:

Football - T-shirt - T-shirt. Root here football. In the first case, the suffix - to, in the second it turns out that the suffixes 2 - -k- and-and-one. That is, before highlighting the suffixes, you need to make a word-forming analysis, after which everything will become obvious.

Features of suffixes in different parts of speech

There are a number of suffixes that are stable are not subject to change and always look equally. The main thing is to remember them if you give an example, everything will become obvious:

  • Suffix -l- in the verbs of the past time is constant.
  • The return suffix is \u200b\u200bcharacteristic of the verbs, it usually stands after the verb endings, it is difficult to confuse with something.
  • In adversions, vowels at the end, which could be considered the endings - these are suffixes, since adverbs do not contain endings, this must be remembered not to make stupid errors.
  • Reductantly-laxed suffixes by type -Ok-, brake-, -onk-, - and others are also quite recognizable and recognizable.

In general, the search for a suffix is \u200b\u200bcertainly crowned with success, even if you do not particularly remember the rules. The main thing is to include logic and remember that the suffix is \u200b\u200bpart of the word between the horse and the end.


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