Experts, arguing about "neurosis", imply neurotic disorders arising from stress. It is important to remember that neurosis is not inherited by children, besides, they are reversible and invariably have a clear root cause. Having understood in the circumstances of neurosis and eliminating the source of stress, as well as sending forces to treatment, you can get rid of stress forever. It is important to know which there are ways to get rid of neurosis.
What is neurosis?
- The neurosis is a concept that includes about a dozen other mental disorders. In the ICD of the tenth editor, they are recorded under the F40-F48 code. These include panic attacks, a sudden anxiety, a compulsive disorder with depersonalization and much more.
- Sometimes doctors, unable to identify neurosis, are diagnosed by the VDR. It is considered a view of neurosis and often in literature on the treatment of neurosis is used as a word-synonym for this diagnosis. There is no such diagnosis to be unfortunately, there is no such diagnosis, there are no mentiones in the ICD and therefore a similar diagnosis indicates the incompetence of a doctor.
- Treatment of vegetative dystonia can take years and at the same time not to have any therapeutic effect.
In groups of mutual assistance in the treatment of neurosis, it is recommended to abandon the help of the doctor who is a diagnosis of "VDC" and look for a more competent specialist.
Symptoms of neurosis
- Since the notion of "neurosis" includes almost a dozen different diseases, symptoms can be directly opposed and very diverse. The only thing that unites them is the surprise and lack of any preparation for them.
- One of the symptoms is a panic attack. It is possible to determine it on confusion of thoughts, an irreplaceable feeling of fear, tachycardia. It is accompanied by a violation of breathing, many people have a key to the key - they are swarming, waving their hands and can be dangerous for themselves. Others, on the contrary, die. At the same time, there is no loss of communication with reality - people during the period of panic attack may be connected to the questions, talk and generally behave normally, just a little impulsively.
- In addition to panic attacks, neurosis is accompanied by disorientation in space, dizziness, unpleasant sensations in the throat or numbness of the limbs.
- Up to 30% of patients observe various phobias: the fear of transport, people, public speeches. Often manifestations of neurosis are accompanied by heart rate disorders or food disorders.
The emotional sphere at neurosis is affected first. A person is experiencing a unprecedented longing or anxiety, aggression, offense.
Treatment of neurosis
Treatment of neuroses is divided into two types. Both of them include appeal to the doctor, have their pros and cons, as well as various efficiency. The method of treatment with doctors controlling the patient's healing doctors is more common. The second method is less common, but at the same time it is much smaller, besides, teaches listening to their feelings and work with them.
Psychological and medication
- Treatment of neuroses appoints a psychotherapist. The treatment of therapy, allowing to provide timely assistance to the patient, is called cognitive behavioral psychotherapy. Usually treatment short-term and is aimed at specific changes in the patient's life.
- Based on the beliefs in childhood, the patient's attitude towards himself and the world is being built. They also form intermediate beliefs in the form of traditions and rules, preferences and tastes. At the same time, these beliefs can be both positive and frankly destructive.
- Working with the patient is that the doctor helps him determine the relationship between these convictions and certain situations that cause stress. After that, work begins with destructive thoughts, replacing them with more healthy reactions to what is happening.
- In the process of such treatment, new skills appear, experience in working with their own feelings and behavior. The patient is not just treated - he learns to solve problems of a psychological nature and after the end of therapy.
Homemade treatment
- Independent treatment of neuroses is less popular and more dangerous due to the unique features of the psyche of each person.
- First of all, it begins with the search for information and groups in which complete neurosis information is given. At this stage, the patient can consult a doctor to identify the problem and thereby know with which area of \u200b\u200bits own reactions and installations it needs to work.
- After that, the patient appeals to the support group, where people with similar problems can share personal experience in situations that cause stress. An important role in home care neurosis causes support and lack of a sense of isolation, which often occurs in people with neurosis. In particular, this is useful for male patients who are less likely to see a doctor because of problems with the adoption of their own disease.
- In self-medication, drugs prescribed by the doctor usually replace the collection of various herbs. Tea of \u200b\u200bthem has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. In addition to tea, the patient can take baths with essential oils, listen to soothing music and use flavors with a soothing effect. With long-term treatment, all this favorably affects its condition.
According to WHO statistics, for about twenty years, the neurosis has become more than 24%. Despite the fact that this disease still causes condemnation and dislike, most still got rid of prejudice. That is why doctors recommend not to be ashamed of the disease and to be treated in a timely manner.
I treated my neurosis safe for health. I drank the course of passiflora Edas 111. The course lasted a month, but for me it does not matter, the main thing is that the drug is natural, harmless and helped.
Treatment rests on the scale and neglence of the problem. Whoever does not come to explicit neurosis, the usual psychotherapy and sedative additives will help. I took a lavender from Evalar, produced in the form of capsules with lavender oil. And the specialist went 2 times a week.