Corn on the legs - a common problem with which I had to deal with almost every person. Tough, close, incorrectly selected footwear - the main reason for their appearance in the footsteps and fingers. The friction and pressure of uncomfortable shoes on gentle skin skin contributes to the occurrence of painful seals that cause discomfort when walking and interfere with full-fledged life. How to get rid of calluses on the legs? Consider the most efficient methods.
Types of corns
Corn is a natural protective reaction of the organism for friction or pressure rendered. Corn are several species:
- Wet (water) - corn in the form of bubbles filled with colorless liquid. Sometimes liquid in the corn has a yellowish shade or painted red due to the proximity of the damaged capillaries of the epidermis. Wet corn when walking cause discomfort and acute pain
- Dry corns in the footsteps are formed due to improper treatment of water corns. This is a coarse skin area that is formed after the release of the liquid from the seal. When walking, they cause burning and pain.
- Rod corn is a type of dry corns that have an inner rod (root) penetrating deep layers of dermis. Present a dry seal with a small hole in the center. It is more difficult to treat, a dermatologist is needed.
First aid with the appearance of wet corners
Inside a wet corn is lymph (intercellular fluid). It is a protective medium between the top layer of the skin subjected to detachment and the dermis. It is Lymph that provides a normal development of a new leather layer.
If the corn on the leg is small in size, it must be addicted. This will suit iodine, green, a weak solution of mangartage or alcohol. Gently apply any of the listed funds to the place of leakage of the skin and glue the leukoplasty.
Treatment of large corns, which occupy a large area of \u200b\u200bfoot, can delay. Calling corn is undesirable, especially in the footsteps, since this procedure can lead to infection.
Before the puncture procedure, the corn should be disinfected (treated with hydrogen peroxide), and the needle is alcohol. Plugs are made at the edges of the corn circle, without affecting the center of blister. The residues of the liquid are removed with a cotton swab. Corn skin must be pressed to the wound and treat bactericidal ointment, such as a lifeguard.
Methods of combating dry and stripped corn
Pharmacy drugs
The first thing to be done by removing dry corns, soften the cutting area of \u200b\u200bthe skin.
For its softening, special ointments are used, creams, salicylic or lactic acid plasters. The preparations may additionally include nutrient oils, plant extracts, sulfur. Popular funds: Namozol, Suranimozoline, Salipod plaster.
Professional removal
- A hardware pedicure is used in the fight against dry and strip corners. With the help of special abrasive nozzles, a stubbed area of \u200b\u200bthe skin is removed, without pain and unpleasant sensations. The root of the strip corn is dried, and an anti-inflammatory ointment is imposed in its place for rapid skin healing.
- To remove rod corners, cryodestruction is used - processing of the problem area with liquid nitrogen. The number of sessions and the duration of this procedure depends on the depth of corn root. The rejection of the coarse skin occurs pretty quickly, a healthy renewed skin is formed under it.
- The most effective method of combating dry and sodes is laser therapy. Impacting the problematic place with a laser beam, there is a "evaporation" of problem tissues of the skin. After a session on the place of corn, a shallow wound remains. Liberated from corn section of the skin quickly heals.
People's Methods of Combating Corn on Legs
Among the folk ways to combat water corns use the Plate of the plantain, Aloe, Cashitz from fresh onions. It helps to quickly get rid of it helps the treatment of affected skin with oil composition (part of the tea tree oil and 3 parts of vegetable oil).
Hot sparking baths with salt, soda and shopping soap are coping with dry corn. After breaking, the rough skin is treated with pimples. After the procedure, the legs need to be lubricated with nutritious cream or any vegetable oil.
Avoid such a problem as corn on the legs, you can, if your shoes are high-quality and suitable in size. Let your legs be healthy and attractive.
If it is dry corn, then you can get rid of them with a loyalty. I use it for the beauty and health of my heels.