Cellulite is the problem of millions of women throughout the Earth, and not only chubby women suffer from him, it can also appear in a slim beauty. What is the reason how to get rid of it and how to prevent the appearance? We will understand more in the article.
How to determine cellulite on hips
Cellulite in the initial form to determine is very easy, you just need to squeeze the skin on your hips with your hands, and if the skin becomes like an orange crust with irregularities and tubercles, then this suggests that cellulite just begins. The sooner it is to identify - the better it is to treat.
Developed cellulite can be seen and naked eye in the mirror. It may appear not only on the hips, but also on the buttocks, hands and stomach, although this is much less common than on the hips.
Causes of cellulite appearance
To form cellulite, there may be a huge number of factors, so it may even appear in adolescents. The most frequent reasons become:
- pregnancy;
- sharp loss or weight set;
- hormonal disorders;
- harmful habits (alcohol, smoking);
- misuse;
- stress;
- heredity;
- and much more.
How to deal with cellulite on hips
First you need to find out what exactly you have Cellulite. Of course, several factors can be the cause, but usually there is a major one. Someone eats too much sweet and flour, someone takes hormonal drugs, and someone just recovered sharply. The reason can be even heredity.
- Try to drink as much purity as possible, for the average person you need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Most drink up to the evening so that in the morning you are not tormented by swelling.
- Limit the volumes of oily and sweet food in the diet. Glucose is very quickly formed in fat deposits, which only increase cellulite. But this does not mean that you need to sit on a tough diet and start starving, for the hunger strike will introduce your body into stress of the caustic of fatting the fat will enhance.
- Refuse bad habits in favor of your body - cigarettes, alcohol, soda with cellulite Best friends, and as long as you do not exclude it from your life from the "orange peel" will not get rid.
- Get out sports. Sport is not a panacea, but still he can help in combating cellulite. Do not wait for miracles, especially if there is no lesson.
- Massage, banks, wraps can be smoothed out the "orange crust" in just a month, and this procedure can be done both in the salons and at home.
Cellulite treatment on hips by experts
The first and second stage of cellulite is considered the norm and doctors advise not to beat the alarm in such cases. But if you have the last stage of cellulite and at home, it is not amenable to treatment, that is, it makes sense to contact a specialist who will prescribe special research.
First of all, reflect on the reception to the endocrinologist, if it does not reveal your deviations, which caused the appearance of an "orange peel", then the next step will be a hike to the beautician. After a thorough examination, it will assign you the necessary procedures, for example, anti-cellulite massage, mesotherapy, vacuum massage or something else. Trust your body only to proven professionals, since with negligently the effect may be reverse.
Prevention of cellulite on hips
If you do not see explicit cellulite, but also you do not want to appear in the future, then some rules should be followed:
- At least once a week, engage in sports.
- Fit correctly, as limiting the amount of fast food.
- Make a massage, wrapping.
- Periodically go to the sauna or in the bath.
- Do not smoke and limit the consumption of alcohol, and especially beer.
Cellulite scares almost all women, and many he soon or later appear. If the above rules are met with it, you can cope or not allow it to appear. But the most important thing is to love yourself as you are and then to live is much easier.