How to get by car to the Crimea

How to get by car to the Crimea

Rest in Crimea is becoming more popular every year. If earlier versions of trips by car in the Crimea was a lot, after the "quarrel" between Ukraine and Russia was the only "no problem" option to get to the azure coast of the Black Sea in Crimea. Which? Read below.

M4 route (Don): alternative and pay sites

If you go to the Crimea from Moscow, the main direction becomes the M4 highway. In people, it is simply called Don. In 2014 it was renovated, it pleases, but some parts of the route has to be paid.

All eight toll stations. There are free sites and alternative (bypass). What to choose everyone decides for himself. Since both options have their pros and cons.

  • Parking charges are flat and ride on them is a pleasure, as the speed limit is 110 km / h. But for the "pleasure" and comfort comes at a price.
  • Alternatives "do not shine" evenness of coating and, in the opinion, already tried to go round for free - the maximum speed of 40 km / h and therefore a lot of wasted time.

How to go think for yourself, but for this route to get to Rostov-on-Don.

We arrived in Rostov. What's next?

The simplest may be called part of the road to Rostov-on-Don, as you need to go on one track without changing direction. The "destination" should be the port "Kavkaz", from which the ferry can get to the Crimea by car. To get to the port in two ways. And one and the second is not very attractive, as are the routes of local importance, which across the country are in "dead" state. But back to the routes.

  • First. Drive growth and M4 move in the direction of Krasnodar. Before reaching the town, on a roundabout, take the direction to the town of Slavyansk-on-Kuban.

  • Second. Having traveled to Rostov, minimize Kislyavskaya station. The pointer is not very noticeable, so be careful in order not to miss. Continue on the R268 road, with the Congress on P251 after Timashevsk. As in the first version, the last major city to which you need to get is Slavyansk-on-Kuban.

Now the route is unchanged. On the A150 road, which goes between the stations, you need to get to the port of Caucasus.

Eat in the Crimea with the car on the ferry

From the port of "Caucasus" in the Kerch Strait, steams are running, which are transported at a resort time to 20 tes people and about 3.5 tees of passenger cars per day. For travel through the Strait you need a ticket that you can buy:

  • Upon arrival in place.
  • Book in advance through online cash offices.

Before loading, all machines wage. You should also have passports and birth certificates for children. Prices for ferry travel depends on the overallity of your vehicle. As for people, the price is 150 rubles per adult and 80 rubles for a child over 6 years old.

If there are no observations with documents, tickets, personal belongings and the car, then the loading begins on the arrival of the ferry.

How much is the trip to the Crimea on the ferry

After the ferry "Park" near the pier, the machines are tightly built on the vehicles for transportation, and people occupy places on the upper deck, where there are places for recreation and a fairly decent cafe. On average, the loading takes place for 30-40 minutes. The pastime itself in the transfer path is about 30 minutes. During this time, you can admire the beautiful fortune of the coast of the Crimea from the Kerch duct.

Also, the "on the way" passengers see how work is being done on the construction of the bridge through the Kerch Strait.
Upon arrival in the port, the discharge process is identical, as in loading 30-40 minutes. Leaving on solid land, you find yourself in the Crimea.

Now it's small. To choose the path to your goal, because surely you thought over the entire resting route in the Crimea. Gas to the floor and towards the Cote d'Azur Black Sea in the Crimea!

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