How to get to Divnorsk

How to get to Divnorsk

Divnomorsk is a wonderful resort town on the territory of Big Gelendzhik. Exit to the open sea reveals not only amazing landscapes, but also allows themselves to feel in the very epicenter of island tourism. The absence of industrial sphere and water highways contribute to the environmental development of the region. A favorable atmosphere immerses a native environment with elements of modernity.

If the area of \u200b\u200baccommodation is not located on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory, but you are resolutely configured to get through the airfare, in this case it is necessary to overcome the minimum of 10 km in the direction of Gelendzhik, where the nearest airport is located. If the trip is planned in the winter season, then you know that airplanes run to Gelendzhik only from St. Petersburg and Moscow. In summer, things are easier: Saratov, Yekaterinburg and most other major cities are actively involved in transport alignment. You can also get from the little towns in Krasnodar or Anapa, and from there by bus to Gelendzhik. Time in the way will be 2-4 hours.

In Gelendzhik, a little easier. You can get to Divnomorsk by public transport. The interval of 60-90 minutes run regular buses that stop in the center of the village. In the district center, near the market, parking of route taxis, which will take you to the boarding house or the recreation center. The interval of movement is similar - 1-1.5 hours during seasonal season. If you have an extra hour before departure, leave the luggage in the storage chamber and strive to the waterfront, there is very beautiful!

If you are more comfortable to move railway transport, then buy a ticket to Anapa or Novorossiysk - it is from these items that will be convenient to get to the destination. Coming out of the train, head to the bus station, from there, keep the way to Gelendzhik.

If you are planning a ride on your own car, then it is advisable to use the navigation system. Before Gelendzhik, it is necessary to move along the M-4 highway. Moving the regional center, move further another 5 km in the same direction, and the code on the horizon there will arise the "Divnomorsk" pointer, turn the right and keep moving another 5 km to the village itself. If you hold the path from the opposite side, that is, from Tuapse, a hot key or dzhubgi, then the turn to the destination will be left, after turning to the village is light.

If you do not want to get into the ridiculous situation, do not use private taxis services. Illegals, industrial over a car in the bus station, without shame, will drive three skins with you and are not ashamed, with all this, the proper service and competence of the chauffeurs are not guaranteed. Take advantage of local taxi services, whose rooms hang on billboard or specify in the Station Help. I am reasonable, you not only secure yourself from trouble, but also save a decent suture of money, which may differ from similar services by more than 2 times.

Gelendzhik - an incredibly beautiful city. Do not miss the opportunity, if it was in the city of passage, get an incredible pleasure and a sip of fresh air, walking along the embankment. You can also order a meeting directly by representatives of the recreation center, in which case you do not have to bother about baggage and make numerical transplants.

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