How to relax in gelendzhik

How to relax in gelendzhik

Gelendzhik is a real oasis of silence, stretching 110 km along the Black Sea coast, which makes the beauty of nature and historical monuments. On small mountains, Pitsundskaya Pine is grown in the international red book. Local plants are no longer found anywhere in the world. Gelendzhik is famous for its fruit gardens and vineyards. The soft and moderate wet climate of the resort city annually attracts many tourists.

In the center of the city near Morazokzala, you can sunbathe on the sandy beach, take on the rental of the inventory and enjoy the mass of the entertainment offered by tourists. Melcollow beaches along the waste of fine capes belong to sanatoriums and boarding houses. However, the bottom here is sandy. On the Tolstaya Cape also there is a well-equipped beach located on the territory of the boarding house "Polar Star". The "wild" beach, located behind the cape, will delight vacationers with transparent water, which is cleaner than in the city, and a rich underwater world.

Several pools and water slides will come to taste and adults, and resting with children who visited one of Gelendzhik water parks: "Dolphin", "Golden Bay" and "Hippo". In any of them, you can eat in low-cost cafes. A half-hour excursion in the oceanarium will not be a gift, here tourists can see the fascinating representatives of the quiet and atlantic oceans, as well as the Amazon River basin. Excursion is accompanied by high-quality light and sound effects. In Utrich, Dolphinariums are exciting circus performances with the participation of sea seals, seaside lioness and Black Sea dolphins. After the presentation, those who wish can take pictures with the sea inhabitants, to purchase souvenirs or ride on dolphins.

During the excursion "Safari Park", vacationers will receive true pleasure from lifting on a charming road to the top of the Marcoth Range, 640 m high. From there, there is a wonderful view of the bay and the city itself. During the lifting, you can watch the life of wild animals living on the mountainside of the Waires. You can ride on the cable car at any time of the year, only a strong wind is exception. And during the rain, all visitors are given raincoats.

Another cable car rises to the amusement and sports park "Olympus". At the top station is 25 meterferris wheel. The most beautiful species opening from the top of the hill can be seen after the sunset when the bay is lit with hundreds of lights, and over the sea rises. Travelers with children are best climbed upstairs during the day, because every day children's holidays are held there. Also on tops are offered to make horseback riding or rent a bike.

In Gelendzhik, it is often proposed to travel to a winemaking plant with subsequent wine tasting. Tasting conducted in the agro-industrial company "Gelendzhik",lasts 1 hour. Visitors are talking about the history of the company, show the work of the "inside" plant, and then offer to taste 6 wines. In the shop at the factory you can buy any wine favorite. In order not to disappoint, avoid poisoning and buy a real southern wine of good quality, it is worth taking it only in bottles.

Wishing to get acquainted with the history of Gelendzhik can visit the historical and local history museum. His collection has more than 70 thousand exhibits on ethnography, archeology and natural historical sciences.

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