How to get from Kazan Station to Vnukovo

How to get from Kazan Station to Vnukovo

Every day thousands of people overcome the way from Kazan station to the Vnukovo airport. The distance between these two points is 44.5 km. There are several ways to overcome the distance in accordance with their financial capabilities and the availability of free time.

Of course, a taxi - the most comfortable way to travel from the departure point to a destination that does not require direct. Taxi drivers at the station square appoint the price for this service from 2500 to 4000 rubles. You can bargain, but less than 2,000 rubles. it can not be done. The official taxi service at economy-class car to overcome this distance can be 1500 rubles, and VIP-class car -. From 1800 to 6000 rubles. A taxi ride takes about 40 minutes, but during peak hours it may take up to two hours.

Quite convenient and inexpensive way to get around are taxis. This route №45, where the ticket price per passenger is 100 rubles. and each of baggage costs about 10 rubles. From the metro station "Oktyabrskaya" to Vnukovo Airport can be reached by taxi №705 130 rub., Also paying for checked baggage of 10 rubles. for a place. On comfortable buses run routes.

Travel by rail aeroexpress insure against the loss of time in traffic jams. Fare this mode of transport 320 rub. in economy class and 550 rubles. in business class. Disadvantage in this case is that aeroexpress not depart from Kazan, and from the Kiev railway station. The distance it can be overcome by taxi and by subway, driving five stations on the ring branch (the road will take 15 minutes).

Reaching the subway station "South-Western", the rest of the way to Vnukovo Airport can be overcome by bus. These are Routes No. 611 and No. 611c, the price of a ticket, respectively, 20 rubles. and 25 rubles. You can pay for a ticket at the checkout at the stop or directly to the driver. The interval of the movement of these buses is 25-30 minutes.


It is important to remember that you need to have a certain amount of time before the flight. In order to have a plane in time, the way of movement from the railway Kazan station to Vnukovo Airport should be thought out in advance. Prices are responsible for August 2014.

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