How to share decimal fractions

How to share decimal fractions

Mathematics belongs to the exact sciences, it means that the story and a thorough description here will be superfluous. Let's find out today all the rules for dividing decimal frains.

Rules of division

In fact, they are not so much, and too difficult to call them too difficult, because in mathematics there are more complex calculations and rules. Cases in this process may be somewhat, so let's consider each of them separately and start with division into the fraction in question:

  • In order for you to independently divide any mathematical number on the fraction of the decimal type, first you need to transfer commas.
  • This process is performed simply - the number of numbers for which the comma should be transferred will depend on whether it stands in some numbers to the dividers.
  • It turns out that we need to make it possible to share the natural number.
  • When you have two natural and integers. You can divide one to another simple "Column" rule.

In order to divide the fraction of the decimal order to any number, it is necessary:

  • also transfer a comma
  • only in this case right we move it only one sign
  • after that, we divide according to the rules of the "Column" despite the commas, and then we put them after a full-fledged calculation is made.

If the example needs to be divided into decimal fraction, but the dividend will be an integer, then the division process is as follows:

  • First - tolerate comma. You will need to do it in both numbers.
  • Right to transfer to so many numbers as they are in the divisters itself after setting such a sign as a comma.
  • It turns out that the number of signs that lack among the number will be fill in solid and full zeros.

There are only a few rules, so you will be easier to remember if you drive each and in practice.

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