As the author refers to Gerasim

As the author refers to Gerasim

In the story of Turgenev "Mumu", Gerasim personifies all the fortress peasants, the oppressed people of Tsarist Russia. The serfs were born just like nobles. The nobles were white bone, and the serf peasants are black, the man, they did not count them for people, the owners allowed themselves to beat them and humiliate, marry themselves in their whim.

As the author refers to Gerasim. Gerasim - Ustroate at Barynie

Gerasim - mighty, high (twelve heights of growth) from the birth of a mute man was serf and lived in the village. Turgenev describes it with love and respect. Gerasim "Gifted by an extraordinary force, he worked for four - it was arguing in his hands, and it was fun to look at him when he either smell ... either about Petrov the day acted as a slash, that at least a young birch fishing fishing loking with the roots."

And this mighty person from the village was taken to serving the janitor to the Baryna to the city. He performed his duties diligently, "he never fell in the courtyard, neither pinch was lying down, nor the Saro, the water drove down without effort, it's easy to pull out the jammed cart with the horse, the firewood colop so that only steel rang, but sicks flew, and After the janitor once caught two thieves, everyone began to respect him very much.

As the author refers to Gerasim. Gerasim and Tatiana

The only one who loved Gerasim was Stratka Tatiana. She first was very afraid of his giant figure and a formidable gaze, passing by, tried not to look at him. Gerasim, at first did not pay attention to her, then began to laugh when she met him on the way, and after he began to frankly show her his location - "where, it happened, she will go, he is already here, it goes to meet her, smiles , Milet, waving his hands, suddenly pull out from the sinus and leaving her, brooms in front of her dust cleans. " Mock fell on the girl, but with Gerasim, the jokes are bad nor on themselves, he did not allow laughing, neither Tatiana was offended.

But then the lady decided to marry his strongly drinking climber Klimov's climber on Tatiana so that he would be settled. It did not please nor Tatiana nor a capitone, neither manager Gavril, who was entrusted to organize walling. All were afraid of Grasim's wrath. "After all, he will kill me, by God will kill, like a fly some flip; After all, he has a hand, because you ignite yourself to see what he has a hand; After all, he just has a minina and a fire hand "- Capital was frightened.

The courtyard came up with a plan. Gerasim could not bear drunk and they rushed Tatiana to pretend drunk so that Gerasim turned away from her. Gerasim understood what was the matter and he himself pushed Tatyana to Kapiton. After that, he stopped even looking at her and only a year later, when the spiked of the shoeman was finally shoved together with his wife, Gerasim approached, say goodbye to Tatiana.

As the author refers to Gerasim. Gerasim and Mumu.

Once, seeing the tower puppy in the river, Gerasim pulled him out and picked up him. Turgenev describes how Gerasim cared for his dog - "No mother cares for his child, as Gerasim cared for his pet." Gerasim was very attached to the dog, called Her Mum, and she paid him the same.

Moumu turned out to be very clever dog, she went with Gerasim for water to the river, silent his brooms and shovels and did not let anyone in the camork. She slept with Gerasim in his Kamork, and almost never slept, but won, feeding a thin voice is not just like that, but only if he hears a suspicious rustle or someone else will fit the fence.

In a word, Gerasim was pleased with his life, but once a lady noticed a dog and told her to bring her to himself. Moumu was frightened by other people and looked at the lady. Frightened, the lady ordered to get rid of the dog. Gerasim, not giving anyone offended his dog, signs showed that it would do it himself. Such a big, mighty person, huge growth and the same broad soul - could not disobey some lady. Focusing the elder in the restaurant in the restaurant, he took a boat, a long risk, then stopped, hugged the dog and, having tied her rope with a brick, threw it into the water.

Gerasim could not stay in the city at Baryni and went on foot to his village. After he was forcibly deprived of the only thing he was tied to, Gerasim felt free. The lady asked him, and she calmed down, and soon she died, and Her heirs were hersim, they were dismissed. The author with love says that Gerasim lives in his village alone, works for four, but no wife takes, no dog starts.

What is the tragedy of the story of Turgenev "Mumu"?
Gerasim gave his love for a woman and a dog, he did not even try somehow to defend what he was expensive because he did not consider himself to have some kind of desires and aspirations. Turgenev seemed to be waiting for some actions from Gerasim, but, besides a not dream, he interfered with his fortress mentality. And from this the author is very bitter.

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