What is the dream of a waterfall?

What is the dream of a waterfall?

Not everyone knows how to correctly explain the dream in which they saw a waterfall. Having correctly dismantled the dream, you will be ready for the fact that fate will present you and what awaits you in the near future. After all, how exactly do you remember the details of sleep, its meaning will depend.

The circumstances of the sleep

  • The waterfall, dreaming of a dream, reflects your state of mind, portends new events, acquaintances.
  • A waterfall with clean water - joyful news, a favorable atmosphere in the family, healthy children.
  • Waterfall with dirty, muddy water - adverse news, troubles.
  • A dried waterfall - to deterioration of health, detection of diseases.
  • Tall, large waterfall - news that will greatly surprise you. Follow your statements and thoughts, so as not to offend the people who surround you.
  • To see a waterfall in an inappropriate place - anxiety, experiences.
  • Encourage a waterfall in a dream - fulfilling desires.
  • If you are washed off with a stream of waterfall water, expect gossip from the ill -wishers about you.
  • Bend in a waterfall is a risky investment, deception.
  • If you are deliberately pushed into the waterfall, expect a betrayal from loved ones.
  • If the waterfall carries flowers, plants, branches of trees in water, then expect help from loved ones, improve the financial situation.
  • The frozen waterfall symbolizes pressing problems, proceed to their solution.

  • Swim in clean water of the waterfall - trust your intuition. The problem that has not been solved for a long time will be resolved.
  • Swimming in hot water of the waterfall - health problems.
  • Swimming in clothes - do not enter into conflict situations, so as not to disgrace.
  • Swimming without clothes is a favorable dream.
  • To see how another person is drowning in the waterfall - your loved one needs your help.
  • Hearing the noise of the waterfall is joyful news.
  • The waterfall dreamed of an unmarried girl - a violent relationship with a young man. If the waterfall was big, noisy - expect an unusual offer to get married.
  • The waterfall dreamed of a woman - new joyful emotions, a journey.
  • The waterfall dreamed of a man - a risky decision that will bring the respect of others and material income.
  • The waterfall dreamed of a young guy - new acquaintances that will contribute to the achievements of high results in work.
  • For a pregnant woman, a waterfall with clean water is light birth, and if the water was muddy, health problems.
  • Look at the waterfall for a woman - promotion on a career ladder.

Waterfall according to the dream book of Peter I

  • Seeing the waterfall is joyful events, strong friendship.
  • Swimming in the waterfall is stormy love that has no boundaries.
  • A dried waterfall - you will find memorable trips to unfamiliar places, entertainment.
  • Dirty water in the waterfall is a grand event, a celebration.
  • Drink water directly from the waterfall - your work will be worthy of paid.
  • Drinking clean water from a waterfall to a young girl is an early marriage for a worthy young man.
  • If you went down the waterfall in a dream, in the near future one of the most memorable days in your life will come.
  • To scoop up water from the waterfall is a meeting of true love.
  • Fall into the waterfall - make a rash act, for the adoption of which your ill -wishers will be made.
  • If you dreamed that you were washing your wound with water from the waterfall, then be extremely careful in order to prevent bloodshed.
  • If you erased things right in the waterfall, your doubts are groundless.
  • Buying your child in a waterfall is a favorable sign.
  • Get water in a container from the waterfall - longing, experiences.

According to Fedorovskaya’s dream book

  • The dream in which you saw a waterfall portends misfortune, sadness.
  • If you tried to swim from the waterfall in a dream, then problems with the law await you.
  • Swimming under the pressure of a waterfall is unhappy love.
  • Follow the people who bathed in the waterfall are troubles in your family.

Miller's dream book

  • To see a waterfall in a dream - obsessive ideas, reckless actions. Think about your actions, so as not to regret the deed.
  • The dream in which you saw a rock with a waterfall portends a series of experiences. After going through which, learn to adequately perceive and solve problems.
  • To jump into the waterfall and at the same time not to feel fear - crazy entertainment, actions.
  • If you were pushed by forcibly in a waterfall, then such a dream portends a rash act.
  • If the guy had a dream in which his girlfriend jumped into the waterfall, then in reality another girl will fall in love with him.

Having sorted out the circumstances, you can correctly explain the dream of a dream. After all, dreams can give answers to questions that excite you, and predict a solution to pressing problems.


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