Black horse is a magnificent animal, noble, celestial, proud. To see him in reality - true pleasure. And what do dreams mean, in which black horses are present? What do they foreshadow a dream? Will it be happiness? Or are such dreams causing something bad?
See in a dream black horse woman
- The horse scared a woman - there is a threat of danger, any event associated with risk, it is better to cancel or transfer.
- Looking at a black horse from afar, enjoying his grace - a woman hides from those who surround their secret wishes and passion.
- The horse seemed far away and the gallop rolled into the sunset - threatens parting with his beloved.
- Having dreamed of a raven horse - probably treason like a loved one.
Sleep dreamed of a free girl, not burdened by relations
- Girl Sleep about the horses of black sulitus only good.
- See a black horse in a dream - soon to get acquainted with the narrowed.
- Also, such a dream predicts the soon, and most importantly - a happy marriage.
- If you consider sleep about black horses from the point of view of psychoanalysis, then in a short time in the life of the girl there will be a man with whom it will associate a strong sexual attraction.
What does dream about a black horse for a man or young man?
- A black horse in a dream promises in reality a man will meet a woman to whom he wonders the fatal passion. The consequences of such a relationship can be unpredictable.
- A business man is such a dream to fill the enrichment.
- For the one who only started a career - a rapid increase, rapid takeoff.
Total values
- If a person dreams a black horse, on which the black horseman is seated, whose faces are not discerning - not far away.
- To see on the black horse of a messenger, which is a pipe in Horn and collects people for the announcement of news - the sad events will happen that not only a dream, but also his relatives and loved ones.
- To see on the horse of a familiar rider - a man seeing a dream will be assisted on the first request.
- Girls in the position of such a dream promises easy pregnancy and childbirth, and what a boy will be born.
Interpretation of dreams about black horses in popular dreambooks
- Miller says the black horse in a dream foreshadows diseases and misfortunes. And the darker the like, the worse there will be business.
- Hasse believed that he was sad in a dream - to success, a lot of crane horses and they scatter in frightened - to troubles, raised horse - to the appearance of a powerful patron.
- In the dream book, Freud says that if the black horse dreamed of a man - he will soon meet a girl designed to him by fate. Watching the Taboon - the complexity of choice in reality, riding the riding - dream of children.
- Wanta spoke about dreams about black horses.
More conflicting interpretations than dreams about black horses, find it difficult. If the value of your sleep does not foreshadow nothing good - do not worry. Maybe you should look into another dream book?