What is the air?

What is the air?

Each person since childhood knows that all living organisms on Earth breathe air. And you think about what air consists of? No. Then this article will give a detailed answer, the question of the air.

What is air?

Air is called a substance unique in its composition. After all, it is impossible to see or try to taste it. The value and necessity of air can be estimated only when it is not. It is necessary for the vital activity of living cells that get it in the process of breathing.

What is the air? Chemical composition

The chemical composition of the air is unstable and can vary depending on certain factors. For example, the air in the city contains more carbon dioxide than air in nature, in the forest. Also on the concentration of gases, which consists of air, humidity, temperature, climatic manifestations affect. The averaged chemical composition of the air has the following form:

  • Nitrogen - 75%.
  • Oxygen - 20-23%.
  • Argon - 1%.

Less than 1%:

  • Hydrogen.
  • Neon.
  • Methane.
  • Krypton.
  • Carbon dioxide.
  • Helium.
  • Xenon.

What is the atmospheric air?

The chemical composition written above is characteristic of the lower layer of the atmosphere (troposphere). If we consider the air in the higher layers of the atmosphere, then the composition is fundamentally different. Oxygen becomes active. The higher (over 1000 km), the more the air helium and hydrogen. The air is discharged and becomes more unbreathable.

How important is the air?

Apart from the main air problem - oxygenated cells of living organisms, it serves as a "thermostat". That air prevents the sun's rays heat all objects (animate and inanimate) to a maximum temperature. The combination of carbon dioxide, ozone, and water vapor in the world climate allows not be hot or too cold.

The problem of air pollution is particularly relevant today. Forest cutting, which are "light" planets, harmful emissions into the atmosphere, make air dirty. To ride a really clean air, you have to go to the forest, the mountains. There, where people have not had time to pollute him.

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