Gaming consoles on Aliexpress

Gaming consoles on Aliexpress

No one secret is that Aliexpress - The most popular online store in which you can buy anything, starting with bed linen and cosmetics and ending with household appliances and electronics. Fans of video games, real gamers, this site will almost surprise, because on the "showcase" of the online store you can find interesting game consoles, which in Russia will not find almost anywhere. Let's consider the most popular consoles presented on Aliexpress.

Game console Game Sports, 32 Bit on Aliexpress

Approximate cost: 3000 rubles.
Reference to the prefix:
The game kit contains: 2 wireless controllers that can work from finger batteries, the console itself, which can also work either from the batteries or from the network, and the web chamber that connects to the TV. The prefix contains already built-in games, so you don't have to buy discs. Total about 130 games. To play, you need to be from the TV at a distance of more than one and a half meters from the game console, as it reads your gestures, respectively, and all games are adapted to it: here you can jump on the rope, and catch the protein, and throw the kernel at the sports competition. In general, it is quite interesting, but such games are suitable for a child than an adult. There are also small disadvantages: sometimes the games slow down and react to your movements slower, so it's not worth waiting for an amazing graphics and accuracy from this console, like expensive analogues.

Also installed several 8-bit games, which only provides for the joystick buttons (rides, tickers, etc.).

COOLBOY - Chinese analogue game consoles Gameboy from Nintendo on Aliexpress

Despite the fact that modern developers offer us a lot of games that are already quite difficult to distinguish from reality, anyway, Nostalgia remains in our hearts and sometimes you want to play something like that that pleased us in childhood.

Coolboy is a small portable console, which will easily fit in your pocket, so you can take it on a trip.

The approximate price of the console is about 1,500 rubles.
Reference to the prefix:

It has built-in 300 games that everyone familiar with childhood (for example, Sonis, Pacman, etc.) in general, most games are the same as on SEGA.
Disadvantages: Sometimes games are not entirely high quality, but from 300 pieces you will definitely choose your favorite.
The device is charging from the outlet, so you have to buy a special connector.
Well, in general, the toy is quite good time, like an adult and a child.

Game console for Aliexpress GPD 2GB / 32GB

Approximate cost - 10,000 rubles.
Reference to the prefix:
Very interesting and high-quality prefix with great opportunities. This Chinese console stands on the equal with the steep consoles, like PlayStation Portable, PSP 3, etc. Prefix on the Android system has a 5-inch screen with HD quality, the device itself is charging from the USB wire. Due to the fact that the prefix works on the Android system, you can easily play GPD to games of other consoles, such as the same Sega Mega Drive.
A joystick is installed in the console, so playing computer games, such as GTA San Andreas, very comfortable.

Also with this console can be found on social networks, youTube and search engines. Very comfortably! Such a prefix fully justifies its price and will be an excellent gift to a close person.

How do you see, choose a good game console on Aliexpress Simple enough: the main thing, constantly follow the game reviews and know a good supplier.

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