Game Guardian - how to use

Game Guardian - how to use

The Game Guardian utility allows android users to change the root parameters of almost any game. Now you do not need to save the game currency and collect bonuses for a long time, because small tricks Game Guardian are available to you: you can enter your currency and set its value. Also, your characters will learn to move faster, fly and pass through the walls. This is especially effective in popular simple games that stand in the top downloads in Play Market. Do not forget that Root user rights are needed for the cracker program. Otherwise you can not change the game.

Where to download Game Guardian and how to install it

  • Download utility better on the official website Gameguardian.netIt is enough to click "Download Files" and downloading to your phone or tablet will begin.

  • As soon as the APK file is downloaded, an automatic installation will start, however, on most android devices there is a blocking for third-party software. This is done for the safety of your phone to inadvertently not to install the virus.
  • Go to the settings to give permission for Game Guardian.

  • Lay the string "Unknown Sources" and drag the slider in the opposite direction. Another notification will appear on the screen, which will suggest enable this option only for one application. Agree with him.

  • Take all application conditions and click "Set".

  • As soon as Game Guardian finishes the installation, you will see another one installed - these are program update files. They need to be installed if you download a cracker not for one day and intend to play with it for a long time.

  • Agree to the Terms and click "Set". Update files will be installed much faster.

  • On this installation is over. If you are not sure that you have root rights for your android axis, it is better to go through the procedure for receiving them. This can be done in the iROoot application either using the article How to get root rights

Running and inclusion Game Guardian

  • When you got the root, you can open the installed application.
  • After familiarizing with a small instruction, click "Run" in the lower right corner of the screen.

  • Now you will have everywhere to chase the Game Guardian icon. Later you can configure its transparency if she bothers you. Do not turn off the program until you play in a hacked utility.

How to configure Game Guardian in games

  • Open any game in which you want to add new features. At the same time, the Game Guardian icon should be burned in the corner of the screen.

  • By clicking on it, you will open the Game Guardian menu over the running game. Transfer Menu and Instructions may be incomprehensible for a regular user. Therefore, it is better not to even start reading.
  • To enter the main cheats and capabilities menu, you need to click on three strips on the right side of the screen.

  • You will see Spidhak cheats and many others who can also be configured. Look at their list, settings, configure the reset. It is needed that all the parameters of the cheats disappear when you enter the game.

  • Enter another menu, which is also drawn by three features. Make sure all the checkboxes are placed exactly as on the screenshot below.

  • If cheats to your game do not apply for any reason, then it may be protected a little better than most games. Go to the search menu and select "Fuzzy".
  • The search for an unknown algorithm will begin. As soon as the program selects it, you can apply cheats.

  • So that the instructions have always been at your hand, try downloading it to Play Market. There are many additions to Game Guardian and neatly decorated instructions.

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