Jack London

Jack London "Love of Life" - a summary of the main characters

In this article you will be introduced with a brief, but informative retelling of D. London "Love of Life", as well as get acquainted with the main characters.

Jack London "Love of Life" - a betrayal

Two tired man came to a small river. On their faces could be seen submission, and on his shoulders hung heavy bunch of things. One of them had already crossed the river, and the other stumbled, sprained his ankle. He called his friend by the name of Bill, but he did not even turn. Bill then disappeared from view, leaving the person alone.

Jack London "Love of Life" - alone

These two scored heavy pouch of gold and went to the lake Titchinnichili that is translated from the local language, "The country is big sticks." These people have been the hiding place where they hid the clothes, food and ammunition. Single carrying an unloaded gun, a knife, a blanket and a bag of gold.

Grimacing in pain, he went up the hill, but did not see Bill traces. He had to go down and go to Titchinnichili gathering moss for a fire. In the evening, he lit a fire. His shoes are deteriorated, and the leg was swollen. He was forced to cut one blanket to wrap the rugged feet.

Jack London "Love of Life" - the survival

The man walked a few days. There were a lot of game, and with him was not bullets, so he had to eat berries, roots of plants and small raw fish. After 3 days, the weather deteriorated, sprinkle with snow. It was impossible to navigate by the sun, a man lost. He is weak, hunger tormented him all day. Man often lost consciousness, but the hunger led him inside. One day the wanderer saw a bear and wanted to kill him with a knife, but was frightened. He was not afraid of death, he was afraid of being eaten. Later, he found the bones of the killed prey, they helped him stretch out a couple of days.

Raided sleet. Living in a poor man drove him forward. His troubled different visions and dream happy dreams. A tightly packed bag of gold for a long time prevented him to move, so I had to get rid of wealth.

Jack London "Love of Life" - the struggle for life

One day he woke up wandering by the river. The sun's rays caressing his face, and the sight of the sea from rising above adorned ships away. He thought it was another vision, but a sniff from behind made him turn around. He saw the beast. It appeared to be a wolf. Predator was weak and sick. At that time a wanderer have understood that this is not a mirage. In fact, he did not come to the lake and to the Arctic Ocean.

The man found the last of his strength and walked to the ocean, and then followed the beast. The wolf wanted to eat a person, kill him but he did not have the strength. manpower is almost exhausted, but he continued to go to the ocean. Along the way, he saw the remains of the Bill, among whom was his bag of gold. The man did not dare to pick up the bag.

The man walked more slowly, and later did crawled. Wolf came very close, and the man had to kill him. He strangled him, having passed him his weight. The man fell asleep, drunk wolf blood.

Jack London "Love of Life" - salvation

The vessel, which saw the people who were members of a scientific expedition. They noticed it and picked up barely alive. A month later he was sitting among the ship's company and still could not eat the food, which he filled the cabin. Soon scientific expedition along with a saved person arrived in San Francisco.

Brief description of the heroes of the story "Love of Life" D. London

The focus throughout the whole story is a man, whose name we do not know. Bill - the second, but minor hero of this story. There is also the minor characters in this story are members of a scientific expedition, and the wolf.

The protagonist of my friend and Bill returned to the cache by typing at the same time a lot of gold. This suggests that both characters enough greedy people. At the beginning of the story we know that Bill is not only greedy, but sneaky people. Bill did not have a person needs help and left him alone, apparently, that only he was able to get to the cache of gold.

Next, we begin to admire the main character for his courage, as well as to regret it, as he fell into a difficult situation, but nevertheless, continues to fight for life, while leaving gold on Earth. An abandoned person tolerates cold and hunger, as well as loneliness and pain obtained as a result of injury. Later, coming to a possible salvation, he has to escape from the wolf who wanted to attack a person. Having gained the last forces, a person kills the wolf, after which it falls asleep on Earth is already semi-limber. This act, indeed, suggests that the hero fought for his own life. We also know that seeing the remains of Bill and his gold, a person did not take his share. He was not needed gold, he wanted to live. It can be assumed that the wolf was very similar to a person in that he also wanted to stay alive. The wolf was also weak and hungry, as well as the main character of the story.

The members of the scientific expedition showed humanity, picking up the main character. They assisted him first aid, provided warmth and food.

Jack London teaches his work to appreciate life and fight for her. And the work proves that inhuman and indifferent people are all bad returned by Boomerang, as happened to Bill. The author calls to love life and be a man.

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