Aliexpress Double Cashback

Aliexpress Double Cashback

In the early spring of 2017, the team Aliexpress. Cached the opportunity to get the maximum benefit from purchases in China, namely double cachek. It is worth noting that it was a good opportunity to return a substantial part of the money, which were spent on the purchase (especially if she was quite expensive) on his wallet or on a credit card. But, despite the fact that it is no longer possible to get a double cachek with your purchase, for some people it will be quite interesting to learn several factors:

  • How before you could use double cachek services.
  • Why this opportunity was removed.
  • How to save on purchases in China.

What is the essence of double cachemback on Aliexpress

Previously, users had the opportunity to acquire certificates for Aliexpress For which in the future it was possible to make a purchase or to give them to other users. So, the whole essence of the double cachek is spinning around this product. By the way, they now exist and buy them can also be. With their purchase there are no hidden commissions and tricks. But, use them with the same goals as before, will not work.

How did it all work? In fact, a gift certificate from themselves Aliexpress. It is not considered a commodity, so the company left the opportunity to cancel the Cashback on his purchase. By the way, it is quite reasonable. Until March 9 of this year, company Aliexpress. gave cachek for buying a certificate. What did it give for a simple buyer? Let's consider this situation: you need to purchase a fairly expensive smartphone, the price of which is approximately $ 500. If% refund in the cache service was 10%, then after the purchase you would get $ 50 to the account, completely legal. What was previously? A person could chalit a little, buying a gift certificate first to the amount you need (in our case - $ 500), get money first from this purchase, and then with the help of a certificate to buy the necessary item, having received Cashback and from it too. Thus, a person instead of $ 50 will receive $ 100.

Why removed double cachek on Aliexpress

Profitable enough for the buyer and cache service, but not so profitable for Aliexpress.After all, they carried a double loss for one product. Most likely, this is hidden the whole reason for the cancellation of cachek on certificates from a popular Chinese online store. Although, there was no official information on this issue, therefore the fans of purchases of goods in China can only guess.

It is worth noting that such an initial move with the introduction of the possibility of obtaining a double cachek on such a large trading platform as Aliexpress. - A fairly interesting idea. Thanks to this idea, some retailers began to buy goods for sale. Aliexpress And as a result - still ordered on this site. In addition, at the time when these gift certificates appeared - they were no one is not needed and not interesting. After the possibility of obtaining a double cachek, this product was popularly popular, which, by the way, though partly lost, but still remained relevant.

Double Cashback on Aliexpress - How to save now

For Internet users who regularly ordered in China, standard cachek is still available. Yes, it is not so profitable as it was earlier, but in case it will be able to keep up to some holiday in China, then, most likely, it will be possible to stumble upon shares from the online store itself and cachek service at the same time, which will help make purchases With a considerable profit.

For those who are still interested in a visual example of how previous people managed to get a double cachek, we present the following video:

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