Rurikovich Dynasty Scheme with Dates

Rurikovich Dynasty Scheme with Dates

Rurikovichi - descendants of Rurik, who became the first famous chronicle of the prince of ancient Russia. Over time, Rurikovichi rushed into several branches.

Number of dynasty

In the "Tale of Bygone Years", written by the monk Nestor, the story of the calling of Rurik and his brothers on Russia is told. The sons of the Novgorod Prince Gostomysl died in wars, and one of the daughters was married to Varyag Ross, which gave birth to three sons - Sineus, Rüric and Trumor. They called them the GMTsommin to pronounce in Russia. It was from them in 862, the Dynasty of Rurikovich began, who reigned in Russia until 1598.

First princes

In 879, the prince of Rurik died, leaving the little son Igor. At the time when he smashed, the principality of the rules of Oleg - a relative of the prince along the line of his wife. He conquered all the Kiev principality, and also built diplomatic relations with Byzantium. After the death of Oleg in 912, Igor began to prince, until he died in 945, leaving two heirs - Gleb and Svyatoslav. However, the eldest (Svyatoslav) was a three-year-old child, and therefore his mother of Prinjean Olga took the board in his hands.

Becoming the ruler, Svyatoslav more fond of military campaigns and in one of them he was killed in 972. Svyatoslav left three sons: Yaropolk, Oleg and Vladimir. Yaropolk killed Oleg for the sake of one-chisty, Vladimir first ran away to Europe, but later returned, I killed Yaropolk and became the ruler. It was he who baptized Kievlyan in 988, built many cathedrals. He reigned until 1015 and left behind 11 sons. After Vladimir, Yaropolk became printed, who killed his brothers, and after him Yaroslav Wise.


Yaroslav Wise printed a total of 1015 to 1054 years (taking into account interruptions). When he died, the unity of the principality was disturbed. His sons divided Kievan Rus to Part: Svyatoslav received Chernigov, Izyaslav - Kiev and Novgorod, Vsevolod - Pereyaslavl and Rostov-Suzdal Earth. The latter, and afterwards his son Vladimir Monomakh significantly expand the lands. After the death of Vladimir Monomakh, the disintegration of the unity of the principality is completely established, in each part of which a separate dynasty rules.

Rus specific

The feudal fragmentation is growing due to the strollers of the throne, according to which the power was transferred to the seniority to the brothers of the prince, the younger were delivered in cities, less significant meaning. After the death of the main prince, everyone moved to seniority from the city to the city. Such order led to the internecine wars. The strongest princes unfolded the war for Kiev. Vladimir Monomakh and his descendants turned out to be the most influential. Vladimir Monomakh leaves his possessions to three sons: Mstislav, Yaropolku and Yuri Dolgorukhu. The latter is considered the founder of Moscow.

Fight of Moscow with Tver

One of the famous descendants of Yuri Dolgoruky was Alexander Nevsky, in which an independent Moscow principality arises. In an effort to elevate your influence, the descendants of Nevsky begin to fight Tver. At the board of the descendant Alexander Nevsky, Moscow Principality becomes one of the main centers for the mercy of Russia, but the Tver Principality remains out of its influence.

Creating a Russian state

After Dmitry's death, Dmitry Donskius passes to his son Vasily I, who managed to preserve the greatness of the principality. After his death, the dynastic struggle for power begins. However, at the board of the descendant, Dmitry Donskoy Ivan III, the Ordan Igo and the Moscow Principality plays a crucial role in this. When Ivan III, the process of formation of a single Russian state is completed. In 1478, he assigns himself a title "Sovereign All Russia."

Recent Rurikovichi

The recent representatives of the Rurikovsky dynasty in power was Ivan the Terrible and his son Fyodor Ivanovich. The latter was not the ruler by nature, and therefore, after the death of Ivan the Terrible, the state is essentially managed by the Boyar Duma. In 1591, Dmitry dies, another son of Ivan the Terrible. Dmitry was the last contender for the Russian throne, since Fedor Ivanovich had no children. Fedor Ivanovich dies in 1598, with whom the dynasty of the first Russian rulers who were in power of 736 years old are interrupted.

The article mentions only the main and most prominent representatives of the dynasty, but in fact the descendants of Rüric were much more. Rurikovichi made an invaluable contribution to the development of the Russian state.

Comments leave a comment
Vlad 07/25/2018 at 22:52

Tsar Vasily Shuisky not worthy of mention? Also was Rurikovich at the head of the Russian state.

    Ooole 03/10/2020 at 15:50

    Vasily Shuisky is so weak about Rurikovich's line that there is water in a kiere, he is not a direct relative


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