Fans of the famous Fantasy TV series or young people who are eager for experiments are very often asked about whether the Chinese website for color contact lenses are sold on the Chinese website. This topic is now very relevant, since the cost of colored lenses in local pharmacies, on other Internet sites is quite high and "hot" for many people. In turn, Aliexpress is an international trading platform, attracting its affordable prices and more or less a tolerable quality of goods. Fortunately for all interested, this site is engaged in the implementation of color contact lenses, although they are not easy to find them.
Why the standard search keys of non-ferrous lenses do not work on Aliexpress?
If you drive in the search bar "Colored contact lenses" or simply "contact lenses", all sorts of accessories on the storage of goods will appear on the page, but the lenses themselves will not appear. If you drive "color lenses", multicolored lenses for sunglasses will appear in the search results, but there will be no necessary product on the displayed page. What is it connected with? The answer lies on the surface: contact lenses, in addition to cosmetic, ornamental, perform wellness functions, helping to adjust visual acuity. This is the foreign body that is located for a long time in your body, can harm him, cause irreparable consequences for your health. Even if the goods are made of high-quality materials, with long-term delivery, it can spoil. Accordingly, the question of other order is suggested: the liability should be responsible for the damage? On sellers, manufacturers, site managers? In order to exclude possible legal proceedings, claims and other negative phenomena, to implement specific "color contact lenses" or "contact lenses", like a number of other medical supplies, Aliexpress is prohibited. Therefore, direct search keys will not be given any result.
How to find color contact lenses on Aliexpress?
Immediately, it should be noted that it is necessary to search for colored contact lenses by going to the "Glasses and Accessories" section ("Watch all" - "Accessories for men, women" - "Accessories" - "Glasses and accessories"). Special partition for contact lenses does not exist! There are several ways to solve the problem of finding the necessary product:
- First, you can drive nickname (names) sellers working with eyes related to eyes (glasses, accessories for lenses, etc.), after learning about them from other users of the site. For example, earlier sales of color contact lenses were engaged in sellers as "Freshlook", "Kiss Flower".
- Secondly, the phrase "Color lenses", "Lensses" and view drop-down results can be entered into the search string. Guaranteed, sooner or later, on a couple of links to colored contact lenses you will find it. But it will be needed too much time.
- Thirdly, the specialized groups created in various social suites should be attended as often as possible in which people are divided by their experiences perfect through Aliexpress. And this is the most efficient search method, because in such communities all goods are distributed in particular categories in accordance with their names. Plus, under the photo of the product that comes always indicates a link to the seller. You can not only to see what you get, but also save time in search of - clicking on the link, find yourself on the page of a specific product.
Should I order colored contact lenses on Aliexpress?
Do not forget that Aliexpress is a Chinese site, so do not take yourself the illusions about high quality. Reviews for colored contact lenses are very different from each other: someone is delighted with them, someone is completely dissatisfied. A lot of negative comments are based on the fact that colored contact lenses with Aliexpress cause allergies, overcame the mucous eye, interfere with blinking, worsen vision. However, some buyers lenses are suitable, do not cause any unwanted reactions. Remember that contact lenses are an individual thing that requires strict recommendations of the doctor. Ordering medical supplies on Chinese sites, you are threatened with your health. Thoroughly think about this kind of purchase, as they say, "the miser pays twice." But the choice is always yours.
I would not buy contact lenses on this site, only in optics.
I am also for the purchase of contact lenses in optics, as vision is very important for every person. I buy my Bausch + Lomb Ultra lenses only in one place, where I know and the price is good and no fakes can not be.
To which people just do not go to buy lenses, even by Ali ordered and not afraid of (
No, I do not order lenses on Ali, I buy them in specialized optics. But I can say that even in one-day eyes still dry from time to time. And in order to get rid of discomfort, which, during dryness, appears, I use drops of arthelk splash. By the way, cool German drops, I already use them for no first year. After all, they are on the basis of hyalurons go, and excellent eyes moisturize, I am satisfied.