What is hyperbole?

What is hyperbole?

In Russian, there are a number of words that, with the same spelling and pronunciation, carry a completely different semantic load. This curing belly belongs to the mathematic-linguistic concept of "hyperbole", which is present in such unrelated areas as mathematics and literature. Consider it in more detail.

What is hyperbole in literature?

The term "hyperbole" translated from Greek treated as an "exaggeration". The current definition of the concept states that hyperbole is a stylistic reception of a figurative expression, which is based on the exaggeration of any phenomenon, actions either the subject.

  • This stylistic figure was widely distributed in artworks in order to strengthen the impressions of the description, including folk poetry, couplets.
  • The object of exaggeration can be phenomena, events, items, power, feelings.
  • The spectacular form can be both idealizing the object and carry a derogatory promise.
  • The hyperbole is a figurative expression, so it is not necessary to literally make the meaning of the phrase in which it is located.

Do not confuse hyperbola with another allegoric term - metaphor. A characteristic feature is always an exaggeration.


"His feet were huge, like skis."

When the phrase is fluent evaluation it may seem that we are talking about metaphor, but it is not. After evaluating the real dimensions of the skis, it becomes clear that the hyperbole occurs.

What is hyperbole in mathematics?

The mathematical term "hyperbole" characterizes the many points of the plane, the absolute value of the distance difference from which to focus is a constant value. These points form a curve relating to the number of canonical sections. For the first time, the concept of "hyperbole" introduced the mathematician of the ancient Greece AppOLoniy Pergsky in the 200th to AD.

Moving to the Cartesian coordinate system, take an arbitrary point of the curve - t. L (x, y) and we define the focuses of hyperboles through t. A.1(-C, 0), etc. A.2(C, 0). Then the definition of hyperboles can be represented as an expression |A.1L.| – | A.2L |=2a., wherea - the actual half-axis hyperboles. In this case, the condition 2a \u003c2c is mandatory.

  • Translating the recording of this expression coordinate shape and getting rid of irrationality is obtained √ (x.+c.)²+y. ²−√(x.c.)²+y. ²=±2a ⇒ K.anonymic expression of such a figure as a hyperbole represents the equation x 2 / A. 2 - Y. 2 / B. 2\u003d 1, where lines a and B - the length of the actual and imaginary semi-axle.

  • If A \u003d B, before you is an equilateral hyperbole.
  • A characteristic feature of hyperbole is the presence of two identical (symmetric) curves.
  • Tangents to which hyperbole rushes, but never reaches them, they are called asymptotes.
  • The optical property of the hyperbole is that the beam released from one focus continues its movement as if it came out of another focus.

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