What is hematoma

What is hematoma

Hematoma is a neoplasm on the skin of a circular or elongated shape caused by the gap of blood vessels. Hematoma is a baked or liquid blood under the skin.

Ghematom varieties

Hematomas are divided into species depending on the place of education, signs and degree of bleeding:

  • Bruise is a type of subcutaneous hematoma. Appears as a result of tuberculosis and lupus.
  • Intramuscular hematoma occurs when blood accumulates in the muscles, and also accompanied by a feeling of pain.
  • Arterial hematoma. It happens due to the rupture of the arteries. This red color is distributed to a large area. In case of damage to veins, blue-violet damage is formed.
  • Hematoma intracranial.
  • Internal hematoma occurs when compressed by organs inside.
  • Pulsating. When the blood enters the subcutaneous region.
  • Kefalohematoma. There are difficult kinds of child in the child in the field of skull.
  • An infected and ventilated hematoma arises depending on the processes that occur with blood after entering the cavity.
  • Eye. Appears due to head injury. Localuated under the eye due to the break of blood vessels. Arises due to overheating.

Symptoms of hematoma

As a result of excessive mistake, the first symptoms appear instantly. Weak pressure on the area of \u200b\u200bthe bruise causes pain, and over time this place begins to move, which disrupts the work of the limbs. Because of the burst vessels, the injury area acquires a red color, and the inner region is felt tension. The hematoma has different degrees of hardness and shade, starting with red and ending with violet. The color of the neoplasm is different as removal from the center of the bruise. The explicit characteristics of the hematoma is pain in the field of swelling and changing the shade of the skin surface.

Signs of uhhiba

First of all, the place of the strike begins to hurt. The skin surface becomes red and the temperature in this zone rises. Already after 10 minutes, the skin becomes a crimson - purple, after a few days the color changes to the yellowish, and in a week it becomes green. Doctors determine the limitation period of injury in the color of the hematoma. Sometimes injury slides due to the action of gravity in a few days. When the brain hematoma is diagnosed with head, dizziness, nausea, speech braking, loss of consciousness. All signs depend on the area of \u200b\u200bdefeat and the degree of seriousness. When injured in the muscles, there is a violation of normal performance, the hue of the skin of the skin is changing the hematoma place.

Help doctor

The threat to life occurs with intracranial hematoma. In this case, professional assistance will be required. If the head of the head is accompanied by loss of consciousness or other symptoms, this indicates injury inside the skull. Explicit signs may appear through time, so it is important to observe the condition of a person. It is important to inform someone about injury, because afterwards the patient may forget about it. A person who warned can trace the patient's behavior and provide medical care on time.

Hematoma diagnosis

It is difficult to recognize the hematoma. But the loss of consciousness after the head of the head occurs due to the hemorrhage in the skull. To determine the place of hematoma and its size use the following methods:

  • Computer tomography. You can study the brain using an x-ray machine that is connected to a computer.
  • MRI. The image is obtained using a magnet and radio waves. At the same time, the patient is on a moving table, which is included in the tunnel.

These two diagnostic methods are painless.


To control and prevent the convulsion, it is necessary to take anticonvulsants. Causes may arise 2 years after injury. There is also a risk of amnesia, attention failures, anxiety and pain in the head. The process of restoring an adult organism is about six months, in children this process passes faster. For faster recovery, it is recommended to adhere to such tips:

  • sleep a lot and relax
  • gradual return to vital activity
  • eliminate the likelihood of repeated head injuries
  • return to sports loads, driving on the car, bike and equipment management only on the recommendation of the doctor.
  • prem drugs for the appointment of a doctor
  • eliminate alcohol that may interfere with the restoration of the body
  • when memory issues you need to record
  • request advice from relatives before making important decisions.

Hematoma can be treated by folk methods if the disease has a lightweight severity. This is the use of all sorts of ointments and compresses from herbs. Appeal to the traumatologist will be needed with serious symptoms.

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