What to give on February 23 to colleagues

What to give on February 23 to colleagues

February is two holidays at once. And if on February 14 pick up a gift for a loved one is not a problem, then on February 23, women face difficulties.

What to give on February 23 to colleagues outside the walls of the office

If you have a cohesive team, and often choose to have fun. Definitely, a gift in the form of a joint leisure is the best solution. There are many options:

  • Rent a few tracks in the bowling club.
  • Karting - Sea of \u200b\u200bemotions and discharge from work.
  • Paintball - entertainment that will unambiguously please any man.
  • Aerotruba will add adrenaline and leave an unforgettable impression for a long time.

Original gifts on February 23 to colleagues

Not everyone will appreciate and will be happy to receive attributes for shaving. Therefore, it is better to give preference to original and unexpected presents.

  • Pillows with names, as well as a brand of car on which a colleague drives, or a symbolism of his favorite game / movie.
  • Diaries and handles with engraving, possibly flash drives - it is relevant, especially in the office.
  • Choose a gift-impression, from the proposed list, a man will definitely find something like.
  • Gift Certificate. However, it is worth considering the interests of everyone, someone will come in handy a fishing store, and someone will be happy with a new sports inventory.

If you do not want to buy the same gifts for everyone, you can arrange a lottery in the office.

Funny gifts to colleagues on February 23

Well, when a friendly atmosphere also reigns in the team and all on the same wave. If you have this situation, then men-colleagues can be pleased with the gifts that will cause a smile:

  • Buy a plant in the jar of "put wood". People with a sense of humor will appreciate such a choice, especially tree and truth will grow.
  • T-shirts with inscriptions. Gather women's team and come up with funny phrases, putting on such a thing, a colleague will always remember you.
  • Space food. Perhaps, any man in childhood came about the career of cosmonauts, so give him this dream! You can choose a whole space menu.

Do not be afraid to experiment, and spend a little time to find a really interesting and memorable gift!

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