What does it relate to proteins?

What does it relate to proteins?

Proteins, fats, as well as carbohydrates are the main components of almost any product from the daily diet of a modern person. Each of the compounds assigned their own role in the human body. What products belong to the protein group, this substance needs a person?

Proteins - what is it and what are they needed for?

Proteins (or proteins) are an integral component of the human diet. It is his presence that determines the growth of tissues. Especially acute the lack of protein "Feel" muscle fibers, which also lose their elasticity. In percentage ratio, this compound should account for at least 30% (and better up to 50%) of the entire diet. Do not forget that the overaffect of protein is also harmful as its drawback. The human body will take exactly such a number of compound that it needs. The remaining protein will remain in the intestine just to rot that no longer useful for a person.

Protein food - What products got into this category?

Natural sources of proteins are both representatives of plant and animal food.

  • The first group includes nuts (walnut, almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts), sunflower seeds, beans, soybeans, millet, lentils and buckwheat.
  • Proteins of animal origin Man gets from meat (beef, pork, turkey, rabbit, lamb, chicken), chicken eggs and dairy products (cottage cheese and cheese), seafood (shrimp, crabs, crabs), fish (especially tuna, kats, humpbacks) And her caviar.

What are the proteins?

Protein compounds, falling into the human body, split to amino acids. It is the latter that are the main building material of muscle fibers. The main snag is that independently amino acids can not be insertion. Need "Transport". Insulin protrudes in the role of the latter, the production of which is impossible without the presence of carbohydrates.

That is why the consumption of proteins should go parallel with carbohydrate compounds (and complex, and not fast carbohydrates). Complex carbohydrates "will give" products such as:

  • Prostokvash and non-fat yogurts.
  • Bean.
  • Nuts.
  • Whole grains.
  • Vegetables.
  • Seeds.
  • Berries and fruits.
  • Whole wheat bread.
  • Pasta.

Competent combination of products guarantees a balanced nutrition, as a result of which your body will not only receive the required amount of useful elements, but also contributes to the maximum full absorption of the latter.

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