Chernovaya Rowan - Medical Properties and Contraindications

Chernovaya Rowan - Medical Properties and Contraindications

The black rowan is one of the most popular garden plants, the fruits of which are famous for patricious taste and therapeutic features. This fruit shrub before the beginning of the twentieth century was only a decorative plant with beautiful inflorescences, which appeared on splashing branches in mid-May. Over time, this small tree has earned the glory of a beneficial plant, due to its widespread and use in various fields.


Black berries with dense skin began to be used in cooking and in traditional medicine in the middle of the twentieth century. After some studies and studies of the chemical composition of fruits, many valuable components were revealed, positively affecting human health. The berries of the black rowan rowan are dried, subjected to freezing canning. Drinks of tart fruits are no less useful - fruit, compotes, wine, tincture, decoctions, juices.

Inflorescences and young leaves of arony are an effective means of many ages in folk and official medicine. They are customary to collect at the beginning of the summer period, since it is at this time that the plant has the highest amount of useful substances. Berries for drying and freezing are collected in September or early October. Dried fruits do not lose their healing qualities for 2 years, so after the expiration of this period is not recommended to use them.

Chemical composition of Arony

The main criterion for the value of the berries of the black-flow rowan is the presence of such valuable substances in it as:

  • group vitamins in;
  • Vitamins A, C, E, P;
  • fruit acids;
  • fructose;
  • tannins;
  • glycosoids;
  • pectins;
  • flavonoids;
  • Microelements - iron, boron, iodine, fluorine.

Useful properties of black rowan

The rich composition of biologically active substances puts the aronium into one row with such healthy fruits as currants, apples, citrus. By the number of iodine bodies, the berries are useful than strawberries. Also Rowan is the leader in the number of vitamin R, E, V.

How are black and tart berries affect the human body, and what properties do you have if there are any diseases?!

  1. Arony berries have cleansing properties, eliminating the cells of the body from harmful substances and exerting a choleretic effect.
  2. The use of berries is very useful in vascular diseases, hypertension, and also normalize cholesterol levels in the body.
  3. Infusions and champs of Markotodki have a beneficial effect on the health of patients with diabetes mellitus, facilitate a state with problems with liver, kidney and an endocrine system.
  4. Mors from tart berry perfectly strengthen the protective forces of the body, preventing the reproduction of pathogenic microbes, and also increase the resistance to various bacterial infections.
  5. Pectin substances in berries contribute to the normalization of the intestinal flora, and favorably affect the functions of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. The presence of potassium makes rowan a great tool from edema, and also positively affects the work of the cardiovascular system.
  7. Thanks to the binding properties, the aronym is useful with poor blood clotting and various types of bleeding.
  8. Anthocianin is one of the most important elements that reduces the likelihood of cells that contribute to the development of cancer.
  9. A means of rowan-fed-like inventory rendering the reassuring effect on the state of the nervous system, normalizing the emotional human background.
  10. Very useful compotes from berries to children, saturating their growing organism necessary vitamins and minerals.


In addition to a set of healing characteristics of the Mokenodka, has some contraindications that need to be taken into account before use:

  1. Stomach ulcer.
  2. Gastritis during the exacerbation.
  3. Reduced blood pressure.
  4. Individual intolerance.
  5. Next to the formation of thromboms and varicose disease.

Blackfold Rowan is a useful and tasty berry, from which you can make a lot of no less useful products. Rowan tincture is effective with a reduced level of hemoglobin, crushed fresh berries with sugar helps with rheumatism, rowan tea - a great way to normalize the state of the nervous system, the jam is used to strengthen the health of the entire body. In whatever form, the aromatic berries of rowan blackfoot, it will always have a beneficial effect on the entire body, and will become one of the best folk remedies to preserve excellent well-being and youth.

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