What is useful to eggplants

What is useful to eggplants

Eggplant is a berry belonging to the family of the Polenic, although we all refer to it to vegetables and are accustomed to call this way. It happens a few varieties, in connection with which it will be varied in color. But for the most part in our regions, we face violet eggplants. Thanks to this saturated color, eggplants received the name "Cell" in common. It turns out that these fruits are rich in various useful substances. You will learn more about this by reading the article.

Where eggplants come from

To begin with, we want to acquaint you with the history of this utility vegetable.

  • Initially, the shiny grown in some regions of India. For the most part, it was Eastern lands. Moreover, then this plant was wild, that is, people have not yet understood that it could be eaten, and that it has in its composition some substances necessary to human body.
  • The next country to grow the plant under consideration was China. There, actually, eggplant and was an obeulture. It was agreed in some countries located in Central Asia.
  • Then the Arabs brought this vegetable in Africa. In the same way, eggplant got into the states werehed by the Mediterranean Sea.
  • And about 250-300 years ago, shine, finally, and went to Russia, where they began to be successfully cultivated to this day. They are more grown in the southern regions of Russia, but they are available in almost all regions, when the season of their maturation occurs. Often, they can be bought in supermarkets, although in the markets during this period there are also plenty of them.

Composition and benefit of eggplants

Eggplazhan is one of the few vegetables, which should be used only in the prepared form, and in no case - not in the cheese. It has a very large amount of useful substances and microelements, which, by the way, is almost completely preserved in ready-made dishes, when the fruits undergo certain thermal processing.

So, what includes this useful fruit in its composition:

  1. vitamins Group B.
  2. as well as vitamins A, C, E, etc.
  3. pectin and tanning connections
  4. various organic acids
  5. squirrels, Fats and Carbohydrates
  6. minerals, such as:
  • potassium
  • calcium
  • iron
  • phosphorus
  • magnesium
  • zinc, etc.

Having such a rich vitamin composition, eggplants are attributed to the following beneficial properties:

  • they have a beneficial effect on the work of the internal organs;
  • normalize the work of the heart;
  • clean vessels;
  • reduce the risk of atherosclerosis
  • favorably affect the operation of the urinary system, in particular, on the kidneys;
  • produce cleansing the intestines and bile ducts;
  • perfectly cope with the removal of toxins and harmful cholesterol;
  • stabilize the work of the liver if there are some violations in it;
  • having a package of trace elements, the use of eggplant is positively affected by the blood formation system, thereby improving the blood composition;
  • help to cope with the lack of iron in the body;
  • positively affect the bone marrow
  • normalize water-electrolyte balance, etc.

This list can be continued and continued - the benefit is so large from the use of these fruits.

Who is shown and contraindicated by the use of eggplants

Now we will see more detail to whom you can use dishes prepared on the basis of eggplants:

  1. Due to the fact that the eggplant contains a small amount of calories, it is quite possible to enter into the diet of people who adhere to diet for weight loss.
  2. Be sure to use dishes from eggplant to people suffering from heart disease and vessels.
  3. This vegetable is perfect for both the elderly diet, because contains such trace elements that contribute to the improvement of the body's protective functions.
  4. Based on the fact that the use of eggplant favorably affects the circulatory system, these vegetables are able to bring a lot of benefit to people suffering from various anemias. Due to the large content of iron, it is perfectly to increase the level of hemoglobin, without resorting to medical drugs.
  5. Since we started talking about blood, it will not be superfluous to say about the benefits of eggplant to people who are diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. Regular consumption of these vegetables will help reduce sugar.
  6. Since eggplants have a diuretic effect, they must be introduced into the diet to people who have an inflammatory disease of the urogenital system.
  7. Cinema will also perfectly fit into the diet of those who suffer from constipation, as these vegetables improve the intestinal peristalsis.
  8. Of the fresh eggplants in folk medicine often use their juice. He can act as a natural antibiotic and antiseptic. Therefore, it can be applied in the form of compresses on various wounds and abrasions.
  9. Many doctors recommend using centenary people suffering from diseases such as gout, arthritis and atherosclerosis.

Despite the fact that the vegetables under consideration have a lot of useful properties, they are categorically contraindicated by some people. What are the contraindications:

  • First of all, it is impossible to eat dishes using eggplant to people who have allergic reactions to this vegetable.
  • It is also worth excluded from the diet of the blue those who diagnosed such diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, like ulcer and gastritis. This is due to the fact that these vegetables consist of coarse fibers that can provoke an acute stage of diseases.

Now you know what substances are rich in eggplants, and what is the benefit of their use. Therefore, diverse your diet to these vegetables by adding them to stew, sauces, etc. Or simply start their stuffing and bake in the oven. Delicious blue is obtained in a pickled form or, if you cook the caviar. In general, here the variations are mass - you just need to choose a recipe for yourself, and then prepare a delicious and useful dish.

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