35 week of pregnancy - what happens?

35 week of pregnancy - what happens?

Future moms, like from close people, are very worried about how pregnancy and childbirth will pass, want the baby to be born strong and healthy. Some are confident that if they know and control all the processes occurring in their body, the likelihood of achieving conceived and welcome will be quite large. So let's consider the topic - what is expected to be pregnant at 35 week of pregnancy and what feels the kid in this period in the womb.

Mom's feelings at 35 week

The first thing I would like to say that on this time you should definitely decide where and how you want to give birth, because the deadlines are already pressed and the child may already be on the light on the period under consideration. Despite the fact that before the alleged childbirth still 4 weeks, the child born on this period is considered quite a healthy baby capable of independent life.

It is necessary to prepare on mandatory that your threshold has a collected bag with everything you need in the maternity hospital, all documents lay in one folder, and the maternity hospital was selected. If all this is already done, you just stay to wait when your baby appears on the light and find out what happens to him on this period of tooling.

On this time:

  • The belly of pregnant is already heavy and big, which brings sometimes a lot of inconvenience
  • Swap is becoming more difficult
  • long movement in vertical position becomes more difficult
  • the vertebral load becomes overly large and sometimes, only a special bandage can simplify and facilitate the situation.
  • it is difficult to eat enough, because the surround belly is still in the faithful part of the abdominal cavity.
  • often, problems with difficulty breathing are manifested and only after lowering the abdomen, the problem can decide by itself
  • the severity in the legs is naturally the feeling on the exposure date of the fetus and to be honest, then, most likely, you will have to go to the kindestrian symptom.

So, consider the symptoms, which often suffer from pregnant women at the 35 week of tooling the baby:

  • At night, get up to the toilet you will be more often, and since 4 times, compared with 32-33 weeks
  • A comfortable thala position will choose even more difficult. Big stomach and spine pain will be a serious obstacle for this.
  • The limbs swell, especially the legs, which makes it difficult to move in a vertical position. If there is such a symptom, you should not think that the horizontal position will save you. In fact, it will only aggravate and strengthen the eductions of the legs at times, so have it in mind.
  • The back will stand with a stake, and nothing can be done about it. Only the right and regular alternation of activity and recreation will be able to significantly facilitate your condition.
  • The chest will crush the belly that has not yet dropped down, so, as mentioned earlier, the outbreak, heartburn, hindered digestion - the logical consequences of this location of a heavy belly of pregnant.

  • Cutting pain can also be felt under the ribs, and an excessive sweating can also be observed. In fact, nothing surprising in this is not, because the future mother wears a very heavy belly in front, and sweat when transferring weights is normal.
  • No matter how ridiculous it sounds ridiculous, but with a chica or laughter, pregnant women on this period are often swept and routine, so that knowing this fact should be followed by their emotional attacks.

The uterus, preparing for childbirth, can "issue" training fights, which, in turn, will not be very pleasant for pregnant, and sometimes, even bring physical pain.

Fru5 for 35 weeks of pregnancy

Do not forget that your feelings are directly dependent on what is happening at the moment with the baby. Despite the fact that most of the most serious processes for the development of the fetus are already behind, a lot of baby must get in the process of bearing in the womb. So, let's consider the physiological changes in its body more.

  • Mom's belly becomes harder, which means that the baby grows not by day, but by the hour.
  • The fruit changes its position, because the bottom of the uterus rises, and, quite high. That is why heartburn and difficult digestion, often symptoms during this period.
  • The cavity of the entire uterus is filled with a fruit, it already becomes closely and oxygen it needs more, which is why the uterus rises above, and with her and the belly of pregnant.
  • The fetus by 35 week is already gaining at least 200 grams in 7 days, so that an increase in the weight of the mother and its abdomen is a natural process with the intensive development of the fetus.
  • The mucus that defended the baby for a long time, begins to decline in quantity, it means that the baby is already quite independent and is ready to appear very soon.

  • Karapuz's muscles are already fastened, and it is for this reason that the birth of 35 weeks can turn into a child with tone muscles, because the strengthening process is just beginning.
  • Already on his little head, the hair cover begins to appear, and, quite thick and long.

It is this week that all the kid bodies begin to organize, so the interruptions of this process often negatively affects the health of the kid. If the childbirth will begin in the fetal tooling week under consideration.

Tips Mama:

  • drink enough water
  • we conduct an active lifestyle
  • customize positive
  • surround yourself faithful friends and pleasant people
  • getting ready for childbirth with a smile and good mood

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